I found out last night that Fenner Douglass, distinguished professor of organ at
Oberlin and
Duke and author of books on Cavaille-Coll and also French Classical organ music, passed away. I remember he was in his 90s. At the time his wife, Jane, passed away, Van Quinn had read the choir a letter, written by Fenner, thanking us for our thoughtfulness and generosity exhibited to him. I heard many many stories about him. Both Flentrops at
Duke Chapel and at
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church benefitted from Fenner's influence and knowledge. I realised that a giant in the organ world has passed on, and as Keith Toth of The Brick Church in NYC put it:
"Fenner now joins his beloved wife Jane in that celestial choir. May he rest from his labours."
As usual ... my music lists for Sunday services.
This time, I was the one behind the console at
Immaculate Conception (RC) Church's 7.45 am Sunday Mass while my friend Jane spent the week in retreat in Massachusetts.
As usual, the numbers come out of GIA's Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover):
Gloria: 176 (Andrews)
Gospel Acclamation: 263 (Hughes
Alleluia in C)
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass (Proulx)
Prelude: I Know that My Redeemer Lives (Richard Wienhorst)
Pro: 430, I Know that My Redeemer Lives (DUKE STREET)
Psalm: 24, Psalm 16 - You Will Show Me the Path of Life (Haugen)
Off: 434, This Joyful Eastertide (VRUECHTEN)
Comm: 443, Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks (ALLELUIA NO. 1)
Re: 442, Sing with All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY)
Postlude: Hymn to Joy (Wilbur Held)
Sigh ... I didn't get a chance to practice on IC's Zimmer, so I had to make do with a brief 15-minute session before Mass. Much to my alarm, the pedal board seemed much narrower than what I was used to (!!!) so needless to say, I kept on missing notes! It was painfully apparent when I tried to play the Offertory Hymn. Boy did I really mess that one up. Thank goodness for options - I ended up playing the accompaniment out of Hymnal 1982 for the second verse on the Swell, manuals only. The cantor was not at the microphone, and despite my stupid errors on this hymn, the people still sang, although I did notice a couple of people sitting near me looked back at me, questioningly, as if they were surprised that an organist would be making that many mistakes during the Mass!!!
St. Joseph's Episcopal Church - numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.
The Third Sunday of Easter: Holy Eucharist: Rite IIPrelude: Now the Green Blades Rises (Paul Manz)
Pro: 296, We know that Christ is raised and dies no more (ENGELBERG)
Gloria: S-280 (Powell)
Psalm: Ps 116 (Guimont. I set the verses from the BCP to Guimont's indicated Psalm tone.)
Seq: 306, Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (SURSUM CORDA)
Off: 204, Now the green blade riseth (NOEL NOUVELET)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-154, New Plainsong (Hurd)
Comm: Gather Comprehensive 798, Baptised in Water (BUNESSAN)
Re: 180, He is risen (UNSER HERRSCHER)
Postlude: Psalm XIX - The Heavens Declare the Glory of God (Benedetto Marcello)
*shrug* I have a small, but merry band of volunteers which includes a bass guitarist, a guitarist, and a flautist. They have this "St. Joseph's Hymnbook," which includes some of the schlockiest things I've ever seen (and most of which I have no clue how they go as I've never seen nor heard of them before). However, considering this group does that type of music best, I might as well take advantage of that. And they really do this type of music well, even if I am the weakest link as far as this type of music is concerned.
Episcopal Centre at Duke UniversityThe Third Sunday of Easter: Holy Eucharist: Rite IIPrelude: Now the Green Blades Rises (Paul Manz), adapted to accommodate the 1-manual, 3-rank Holtkamp.
Pro: 296, We know that Christ is raised and dies no more (ENGELBERG)
Gloria: S-280 (Powell)
Psalm: Ps 116, recited
Seq: 306, Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest (SURSUM CORDA)
Off: 204, Now the green blade riseth (NOEL NOUVELET)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Communion Hymn: 343, Shepherd of Souls, refresh and bless (ST. AGNES)
Re: 180, He is risen (UNSER HERRSCHER)
Compline at
Chapel of the Cross.
We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd. Our little additions:
Let my prayer come up into Thy presence (Henry Purcell; sung as introit)
Hymn 33, Christ, mighty Savior (CHRISTE, LUX MUNDI, Mode 7)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
S-32, Concluding Versicle and Response in Easter Season ("Let us bless the Lord, alleluia, alleluia ...")
Regina Coeli (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria ... virgo serena (des Prez)
Organ Voluntary by the abfab
David Arcus. His offering was dedicated to the late Fenner Douglass.