Monday, March 31, 2008

30 March - Service Music for the Day

As usual ... my music lists for Sunday services.

I am still volunteering my Cantoring services at Immaculate Conception (RC) Church's 7.45 am Sunday Mass as my cantoring duties does not conflict with either of my organist positions. My turn at cantoring came with the Second Sunday of Easter.

Immaculate Conception (As usual, the numbers come out of GIA's Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover):

Gloria: 176 (Andrews)
Gospel Acclamation: 263 (Hughes Alleluia in C)
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass (Proulx)

Prelude: See note below
Pro: 433, At the Lamb's high feast we sing (SALZBURG)
Psalm: 118 (Guimont)
Off: 423, O sons and daughters (O FILII ET FILIAE)*
Comm: See note below
Re: 446, The strife is o'er (VICTORY)
Postlude: See note below

* I and my friend Jane, the usual organist for this Mass, decided to handle this as it would have been as written in the Hymnal 1982: antiphon before and after the verses, as there were 9 of them. It was a perfect fit; we started right after Fr. Steve's Offertory Sentence (which was my idea - I had suggested it as a more smooth transition between the Litany of the Announcements, which take place after the Prayer of the Faithful, and the Offertory/Preparation of the Gifts, etc.) and the final antiphon was sung just as Fr. Steve completed his ritual handwashing. Jane has an impeccable sense of timing.

I didn't get exact titles of the organ voluntaries she played, but I did notice they were French Baroque in style. Later, I caught the composer: Jean-François Dandrieu, and that what she played for Prelude, Communion, and Postlude were all variations on O Filii et Filiae.

I will get a go at playing the 7.45 am Mass next Sunday. I'll post that list next week.

At St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, we celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph. The Episcopals transferred the celebration of the feast to Monday, March 31, so the decision was made to bump the Second Sunday after Easter and celebrate the patronal feast day instead. Special thanks to Joe Scolastico, who helped me with music ideas for planning this service.

Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Baptism and The Holy Eucharist: Rite II

Prelude: Mass for the Convents: Plein jeu and Récit de Chromhorne (François Couperin)
Pro: 260, Come now, and praise the humble saint (TALLIS' ORDINAL)
Psalm: Ps 89 (Guimont. I set the verses from the BCP to Guimont's indicated Psalm tone.)
Seq: 587, Our Father, by whose Name (RHOSYMEDRE)
Off: 262, By the Creator, Joseph was appointed (BICKFORD)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-154, New Plainsong (Hurd)
Comm: Gather Comprehensive 749, In Christ there is a table set for all (CENÉDIUS)
Re: 231, By all your saints still striving (KING'S LYNN, using the St. Joseph's stanza for verse 2)
Postlude: Offertoire sur les grands jeux (Couperin)

*shrug* I have a small, but merry band of volunteers which includes a bass guitarist, a guitarist, and a flautist. They have this "St. Joseph's Hymnbook," which includes some of the schlockiest things I've ever seen (and most of which I have no clue how they go as I've never seen nor heard of them before). However, considering this group does that type of music best, I might as well take advantage of that. As it turns out, the piece we received the most compliments on was the Communion song we did out of Gather. And they really do this type of music well, even if I am the weakest link as far as this type of music is concerned.

The Episcopal Centre at Duke University was back on schedule, with their usual 4.00 pm service.

The Second Sunday of Easter: Holy Eucharist: Rite II
Prelude: A rather ... simple ... improvisation on O filii et filiae. Not much I could do really on a small, 1-manual, 3-rank Holtkamp.
Pro: 206, Alleluia! O sons and daughters, let us sing! (O FILII ET FILIAE)
Gloria: S-280 (Powell)
Psalm: Psalm 16, recited
Seq: 209, We walk by faith, and not by sight (ST. BOTOLPH)
Off: 205, Good Christians all, rejoice and sing (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
Sanctus: S-125 Community Mass (R. Proulx)
Communion Hymn: 242, How oft, O Lord, thy face hath shone (JACOB)
Re: 195, Jesus lives! Thy terrors now (MOWSLEY)

Compline at Chapel of the Cross.

We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd. Our little additions:

Let my prayer come up into Thy presence (Henry Purcell; sung as introit)
Hymn 206, Alleluia! O sons and daughters, let us sing! (O FILII ET FILIAE)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
S-32, Concluding Versicle and Response in Easter Season ("Let us bless the Lord, alleluia, alleluia ...")
Regina Coeli (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria ... virgo serena (des Prez)
Organ Voluntary by the abfab David Arcus. His offering: improvisation on a theme from des Prez' Ave Maria (Nostra glorificatio, in a kind of Carillon-ish style. He said it was influenced by a composition he wrote some time back ...)

I just want to give a shout-out to Erik Andersen, who is a first-year Graduate Student at the University of Washington. He was a member of the Compline Choir, and we just discovered each other through Facebook. So Erik - here's to you. I'm glad things are going well for you in Seattle.

(Note: image used above comes from

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Blogger's Prayer

I had come across this prayer last year. It was written by Fr. Stephen Cuyos, a Filipino priest of the Missionary of the Sacred Heart. Fr. Stephen wrote this prayer for the 2007 Philippine Blog Awards. Why was I reminded of it? Well, Fr. Stephen wrote the prayer in English, and it was just recently translated to Tagalog. For those of you who can read Tagalog, click here and have a read. I will admit my reading comprehension of Tagalog is extremely limited, but at least when I saw the title: Panalangin ng isang Blogger, I was able to figure out it was a prayer of some sort. Then it dawned on me that it must be a translation of that wonderful prayer Fr. Stephen wrote last year.

It's worth sharing. Here is the entire prayer, in English.
So compassionate, so faithful, so loving You are Our Father.

We ask You to increase our faith and our love for You that we may use blogging as an instrument to fulfill Your purposes. May we become bloggers of truth and promoters of peace.

Help us to be steadfast in our Christian commitment that visitors may find in our blogs a source of encouragement and inspiration. Give us strength to proclaim Your word, that we may play our part in breaking down the walls of hostility in the world and use our blogs to strengthen the bonds of friendship, solidarity and love.

Make our hearts meek and humble that we may treat our readers as friends, not as unique hits, that we may strive to change ourselves for the better more often than we pimp our site templates, that we may find more time to ease the pain of someone in our own home than to reply to comments left by strangers, that we may interact with our next door neighbors as often as we chat with our blogrolled friends, that we may be more concerned about helping the less privileged than about the number of subscribers to our RSS feeds.

Deliver us, Father, from spams and viruses, from pride and selfishness, and from the temptation to replicate images without permission and copy ideas without crediting the original authors.

May we always be united as a network of bloggers and friends working together in Your name. May our blogs lead us closer to You.

We ask all these through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Stephen is currently travelling, spending time in Colombia, and then from there will be spending some time in Illinois and California, before returning to the Philippines. I, for one, will be sending my prayers that he have a good and fulfilling trip, and that when he returns home, that his trip home be made safely. Thank you, Fr. Stephen, for a wonderful prayer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Catholic Carnival 165 at A Catholic Canadian

Catholic Carnival 165 is up and running at A Catholic Canadian. This was an interesting idea that Sean had: do a blog/podcast simulcast, so you can read and listen at the same time. This was done as the conclusion to his 40 Days of Catholic Media blog/podcasting project, which he started on Ash Wednesday.

I didn't have any entries this time around, but because of the novelty of Sean's approach, I decided to plug this edition of the Carnival. Stop by and look around and take a listen. You'll be glad you did.

I've discerned that these Carnivals can only be as good as the entries you bring to the party. Please feel free to submit your thoughts to future Carnivals. A handy-dandy form may be found by clicking here. In addition, a list of past and future Carnivals may be obtained by clicking here.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

23 March - Easter Day

As usual ... my music lists for Sunday services. This was yet another joint service between the Episcopal Centre at Duke University and St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. We were graced once again with the presence of the Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, the Right Rev'd Michael Curry. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Prelude: Christ lag in Todesbanden (BWV 625; J. S. Bach)
Pro: 175, Hail thee, festival day! (SALVE FESTA DIES)
Gloria: S-280 (Powell)
Psalm: Ps 118. This was interesting: the antiphon was the refrain from the Celtic Alleluia. The verses, I set to Tone 8, using the text from vs 1-2, and 14-24 from the Book of Common Prayer.
Seq: 184, Christ the Lord is risen again (CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN)
Off: Alleluia Round (William Boyce, arr. Richard Proulx)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-154, New Plainsong (Hurd)
Comm: 460, Alleluia, sing to Jesus (HYFRYDOL);
304, I come with joy to meet my Lord (LAND OF REST)
Re: 207 Jesus Christ is risen today (EASTER HYMN)
Postlude: Fugue in C ("Gigue") (BuxWV 174, D. Buxtehude)

This was actually a heap of fun. I had a trumpeter, two flautists, and a viola player join us from ECDU, and make a joyful sound we did. Even Bishop Curry commented on it afterward, saying the music we made was definitely Resurrection music, stated in his own imitable way. I was quite flattered ... gave me a warm feeling when he said that. (Actually, he didn't get the opportunity to tell me this in person; this was related to me second-hand by the priests at the post-service reception.)

Next service: I sang with the Parish Choir at the 5.15 pm service at Chapel of the Cross.

My friend Chris drew the organist playing duties for this service. Here is the music, including Chris' voluntary pieces.

Prelude: Two settings of Christ lag in Todesbanden (S. Scheidt and J. S. Bach (BWV 625))
Pro: 207 Jesus Christ is risen today (EASTER HYMN)
Gloria: S-280 (Powell)
Psalm: Psalm 114, recited
Seq: 208, The strife is o'er, the battle done (VICTORY)
Off: Most glorious Lord of life (William H. Harris)
Sanctus: S-125 Community Mass (R. Proulx)
Communion Voluntary: Trumpet Voluntary in D (J. Bennett)
Communion Hymn: 174, At the Lamb's high feast we sing (SALZBURG)
Re: 199, Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (ST. KEVIN)
Postlude: Hornpipe, from Water Music (G. F. Handel)

I was glad I had the chance to hear Chris play - I've not really had the chance to do so, and he did wonderfully. For me - I really like the Bach Christ lag ... from the Orgelbüchlein, and it's always a treat for me to hear someone else (besides myself) playing it.

Compline at Chapel of the Cross.

We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd. Our little additions:

Hymn 183, Christians, to the Paschal victim (VICTIMÆ PASCHALI LAUDES)
S-32, Concluding Versicle and Response in Easter Season ("Let us bless the Lord, alleluia, alleluia ...")
Regina Coeli (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria ... virgo serena (des Prez)

(Note: image used above comes from

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Thought I'd share this recipe. It's very simple, and I put it together quickly for a simple soup meal I shared with my choir after choir practice earlier in the afternoon.

I used a crock pot to put this together. Makes things Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy.

As much garlic as you can stand (I used 5 cloves. I know, I must be channelling Emeril Lagasse here.)
1 medium onion
ginger ... probably about 1/2 inch worth, slivered thinly
celery (I didn't measure - I used half a bunch of celery hearts for this one, chopped)
carrots (I may have put about a cup of chopped carrots)
1 whole chicken, cut up
Seasoned with parsley, sage and rosemary. Yes, I was thinking of the Simon and Garfunkel song, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, but I didn't have any thyme, so I did without. Also seasoned with bay leaves, whole peppercorns, and salt.

Put everything into a crockpot, fill with water, and then turn on the crockpot and let it do its magic.

5 hours later, the soup was served to my choir, along with dinner rolls, salad, fruit salad, and petite brownie bites. Amazing the things you can find when poking around Costco ...

And now I'm really going to fall into the bed and sleep ... erm, take a nap.

22 March - The Great Vigil of Easter

Again, the Episcopal Centre at Duke University and St. Joseph's Episcopal Church held a joint service. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982 unless otherwise noted.

The Lighting of the Paschal Candle
The Exsultet
Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21
Canticle 8: S-208, The Song of Moses
Isaiah 55:1-11
Canticle 9: Hymn paraphrase of The First Song of Isaiah - 679, Surely it is God who saves me (THOMAS MERTON)
Hymn of Praise: Wonder, Love and Praise 880, God's Paschal Lamb is sacrificed for us (SINE NOMINE)
Romans 6:3-11
Psalm 114 (recited)
The Great Alleluia: S-70
Matthew 28:1-10
Offertory Alleluia Round (William Boyce, arr. Richard Proulx)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119)
Fraction Anthem: S-154, New Plainsong (Hurd)
Comm: 174, At the Lamb's high feast we sing (SALZBURG);
184, Christ the Lord is risen again (CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN)
Re: 207 Jesus Christ is risen today (EASTER HYMN)
Postlude: Christ lag in Todesbanden (BWV 625; J. S. Bach)

Now that that's over and done with ... I am toast. So this piece of toast is going to bed. More tomorrow ... on deck: Easter Sunday with St. Joseph's/ECDU with Bishop Michael Curry making a return visit, Easter Sunday with the Parish Choir at Chapel of the Cross, and Compline a few hours after that.

Back to Bed, Back to Reality

The title comes from one of The Beautiful South's songs, can't remember which one though.

A couple of days ago, as I was relaxing after the Maundy Thursday service, I heard a series of pops coming from the street. It startled me - my first thought was, "gunshots?" It seems unusual - Trinity Park is generally a quiet neighbourhood. I thought of calling 911, but didn't - all was quiet after the pops.

And then with the rush of getting ready for services and the like, I forgot about the pops I heard Thursday evening. As I returned from the service at St. Joseph's, I chatted with my next door neighbour, and the topic of the gunshots came up. She admitted she did not hear them as she was asleep. But all the neighbours were talking about it. Apparently, there was a swarm of police who descended onto the street, trying to gather information from any witnesses. The house across the street sustained damage - some of the bullets went through an upstairs window where a small child lives. You can only imagine how shaken people were here. Apparently, there were forensics crews present yesterday morning as well, looking for shell casings and any other evidence.

It is a good reminder that, although I live less than a block away from Duke University's East Campus, crime may still touch the area. Occasional perusal of Duke University's student newspaper, The Chronicle reveals that students living off-campus have concerns about crime in neighbourhoods adjacent to campus. Of course, there is the reputation of Durham being a crime-riddled city, which I think is sad - it seems there are lots of crimes that the media pick up on, and point out that it's Durham residents who are carrying out those crimes.

It's a good argument for ensuring constant vigilance. I know I've a tendency to go off after dark to do grocery shopping, or even to go off and practice at an organ near me (well, actually, more like Chapel Hill as I've got 24/7 access to a couple of churches on Franklin Street), and really, I would put myself at risk, just in case someone decided to attack me late at night. Of late, I haven't been so inclined toward wandering outside of the house after dark unless absolutely necessary (case in point, tonight, with an Easter Vigil service that will begin at 7.30 pm).

So back to the shooting. I don't know many details - I've generally kept to myself, and the only thing I could offer is that I heard a series of pops outside, which could very well belong to gunshots. I just hope no one got hurt.

Friday, March 21, 2008

21 March - Good Friday

Here are the lists for the Good Friday liturgies in which I was a part.

Chapel of the Cross. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

I sang in the Second and Third Hours.

1.00 - 2.00 pm: A Service of Lessons and Music

Motet: Hear my prayer, O Lord (Henry Purcell)
Hymn: 458, My song is love unknown (LOVE UNKNOWN, with descant on v. 7 by John Rutter)
Psalm 69:1-21
Lamentations 1:12, 3:21-24
Motet: Miserere mei, Deus (William Byrd)
Wisdom 2:12, 17-23
Motet: Nolo mortem peccatoris (Thomas Morley)
Hebrews 10:5-10
Motet: O nata lux (Morten Lauridsen)
Luke 22:54-62
Anthem: Love Bade Me Welcome (David Hurd)
John 3:12-15
Motet: God so loved the world (Sir John Stainer)
Hymn: 160, Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow (CROSS OF JESUS)
I Corinthians 1:23-30
Motet: Crucifixus (Antonio Lotti)

2.00 - 3.00 pm: The Good Friday Liturgy

Psalm: 22 (recited)
Sequence Hymn: 168, O sacred head, sore wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN, minus vs.4-5)
Motet during the Procession of the Cross: Popule meus (Tomàs Luís de Victoria)
Hymn: 166, Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (PANGE LINGUA)

Again, the Episcopal Centre at Duke University and St. Joseph's Episcopal Church held a joint service. The Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, The Right Rev'd Michael Curry, presided and preached a wonderful sermon. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Psalm: 22:1-11 (plainchant, Tone IV)
Hymn after the Sermon: 172, Were you there
Comm: Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé; Refrain only)

It continues tomorrow with the Easter Vigil. I will have just the one list to post for ECDU and St. Joseph's.

(Note: image used above comes from

Dame Maggie Smith ...

... is fighting breast cancer, according to The Daily Mail. I'm sad to hear about this news, and I hope she will make a full recovery.

I've had an aunt die from the effects of breast cancer, but it had gone to quite an advanced stage, and we didn't come to know of it until she suffered a relapse, and the cancer had metathesised to her bones. I still remembered a certain numbness, and wondering why, why, why didn't she let us know, and with my mum and another aunt being nurses, they could have helped and advised her.

Dame Maggie Smith is in her early 70s, and I sincerely hope her diagnosis was made early enough. It looks like she's had surgery to remove the tumour, and is currently undergoing radiation therapy. Hopefully, the prognosis is good. I know at least three others who are currently in remission, and all three lead quite active lives. Here's hoping Dame Smith will be able to recover to continue hers.

H/T to JunoMagic ...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

20 March - Maundy Thursday

Well, it begins - The Triduum.

The first of many services: Maundy Thursday. This was a joint service between the Episcopal Centre at Duke University and St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

I'll have to admit - this went differently than what I am used to, from my years of being a part of the Senior Choir at Chapel of the Cross ...

After the Opening Acclamation:
Trisagion: S-100 (New Plainsong; D. Hurd)

Hymn at the Washing of the Feet: 602, Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (CHEREPONI) (in F, using the accompaniment from the blue Presbyterian Hymnal)

Sanctus: S-124 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S 161 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Comm: Ubi Caritas (Taizé; Refrain only)
Re: 171, Go to dark Gethsemane (PETRA)

As the altar is being stripped: I read Psalm 22, out of the Book of Common Prayer.

It continues tomorrow - Good Friday. I will have three music lists to post: two for Chapel of the Cross, as I will be singing with the Senior Choir for the Second and Third Hours, and then one for ECDU/St. Joseph's for their 6.00 pm service.

(Note: image used above comes from

A most interesting meme

Stolen from JunoMagic.
Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don’t blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don’t blog about, but you’d like to hear about, and I’ll write a post about it. Ask for anything: latest movie watched, last book read, political leanings, thoughts on yaoi, favorite type of underwear, graphic techniques, etc. Repost in your own journal so that we can all learn more about each other!
I would amend that to mean - anything reasonable that can be read by anyone without restriction. (I'd say the underwear was out. :) )

Leave your questions in the combox and I'll respond in a future post.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Eve Carson Memorial Service

What can I say? It was a moving service. There were reflections, starting with Chancellor James Moeser, and ending with that of her friends, and words from her Father (although I didn't stay to hear them as I had to leave early to make a class at Campbell's RTP Campus). The memories were poignant, funny ... but it all gave a snippet of what Eve was like, and how much she affected her friends, her colleagues ... but also, a community, a university, and the world. A story was told about how she even touched a visitor from Afghanistan ... a visiting professor, I believe ... and that said professor had conveyed his condolences upon hearing of Eve's passing. There weren't many dry eyes as the memories and reflections were being given, especially those given by her close friends and roommates.

There was also music in addition: the UNC Gospel Choir gave a very moving performance of Amazing Grace, and the UNC Band ended the service by playing the Alma Mater (Hark the Sound), which again, I didn't get a chance to hear as I left early.

Eve Carson was truly a remarkable young woman, and it is such a tragedy that her life got cut too short, and that she was taken away from us so soon.

Her memory will go on: UNC established the Eve Marie Carson Memorial Fund in order to celebrate and remember Eve's love for the University and its students. Giving is easy: go to, choose one of the giving options, select "Eve Marie Carson Memorial Fund" under University Fund.

Rest in peace, Eve.

(Note: follow this link to view videos of the service, as well as audio from the celebration. I'm glad the University posted these - it was wonderful being there and experiencing it all; now it's preserved for all to see.)

A wonderful reflection on Good Friday

Jason P. over at Christus Vincit wrote a wonderful reflection on Good Friday. He makes so many wonderful points about the sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf, and wonders if we, as Christians, understand and appreciate that fully. Naturally, he injects some of his humour there, but subtly, in order to make his point.

The way he ended his post reminded me very much of the motet we'll be singing during the Third Hour at Chapel of the Cross: Tomàs Luís de Victoria's Popule meus, which is an exquisite piece. Compline choir sang it as Introit last Sunday.
Popule meus, quid fecit tibi?
Aut in quo contristavite?
Responde mihi.
Agios o Theos.
Sanctus Deus.
Agios ischyros.
Sanctus fortis.
Agios athanatos, eleison imas.
Sanctus et immortalis,
miserere nobis.
Give Jason's post a read. You'll be glad you did.

In the meantime, here's a YouTube video I stumbled upon. Exquisite! This is The Reproaches, sung at St. Thomas 5th Ave., New York. It incorporates Victoria's Popule meus.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

16 March - Palm Sunday

This comes a couple of days late ... you can say my empathy kicked in again. A friend's computer died on him, and he was in the midst of getting a grant proposal out. I know how stressful grant-writing time is (it's certainly a life I didn't feel very keen to follow, which is why I'm in the position of discerning what I want to do with my life at this point ...) so I agreed to let him borrow my laptop for a few days.

As usual ... my music lists for Sunday services. As the folks at Duke University have just returned from Spring Break, there was no service at the Episcopal Centre at Duke University. Instead, I sang with the Parish Choir at the 5.15 pm service at Chapel of the Cross.

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

March 16: Palm Sunday:

Prelude: Two settings of Herzliebster Jesu (J.C. Oley and J. Brahms, Op. 122, No. 2)

At the Blessing of the Psalms:
Psalm: 157 Psalm 118 (Gallican Chant)
Pro: 154 All Glory, Laud and Honor (VALET WILL ICH DER GEBEN)

Psalm: Ps 31 (Guimont; I set the text (9-16; BCP 623) to Guimont's psalm tone myself)
Seq: 158, Ah holy Jesus, how has thou offended (HERZLIEBSTER JESU)
Off: 162, The royal banners forward go (VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT)
Sanctus: S-124 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S 161 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Comm: 458, My Song is Love Unknown (LOVE UNKNOWN, with alt. accompaniments and descant by Donald Busarow)
Re: 168, O Sacred Head, sore wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN)

I tried a couple of interesting things here. The Busarow setting of My Song is Love Unknown is one of them. I would have wanted to try the Rutter descant ... but on further reflection decided against it. It was a descant Rutter wrote especially for a member of Chapel of the Cross' Senior Choir for her wedding several years ago, and ever since then, whenever that hymn was programmed, the Senior Choir would use that descant for the seventh verse ("Here might I stay and sing, No story so divine ...)

For the plainchant Vexilla Regis, I had the choir and congregation chant verse 5 a cappella. What a wonderful sound! The last, for O Sacred Head, taking the idea from someone who proposed it on PIPORG-L, I decreased the registration as we went from verse to verse, and then finally on the last verse, the congregation sang it, a cappella. It was a nice effect. I received lots of compliments from the congregation on my handling of the music ... even more for some of the choices made in programming the music.

Chapel of the Cross

March 16: Palm Sunday, 5.15 pm:

My friend Mike drew the organist playing duties for this service. I don't believe he played a prelude; when I nipped back into the chapel briefly, the priest was already doing the Laying On of Hands (as is traditional before the 5.15 pm service), and Mike wasn't playing anything. Van did ask him to draw out the introduction for All Glory, Laud and Honor though, which he did a fine job of doing.

With that, the music, including Mike's voluntary pieces.

At the Blessing of the Psalms:
Anthem: Hosanna Filio David (Tomàs Luis de Victoria)
Pro: 154 All Glory, Laud and Honor (VALET WILL ICH DER GEBEN)

Seq: 158, Ah holy Jesus, how has thou offended (HERZLIEBSTER JESU)
Off: Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs (Carl Heinrich Graun)
Sanctus: S-125 Community Mass (R. Proulx)
Communion Voluntary: Chorale prelude O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (Pachelbel)
Communion Hymn: 313, Let thy Blood in mercy poured (JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHT)
Re: 168, O Sacred Head, sore wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN)
Postlude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen (J. Brahms, Op. 122, No. 9)

Hmmm. I guess Van was on a Cruger kick. By the way, for both the service at St. Joseph's as well as that at Chapel of the Cross, the accompaniment for Herzliebster Jesu was taken from the Hymnal 1940. I'm not sure what the editors of the Hymnal 1982 did with the accompaniment, but I just found it easier to follow in the 1940 as opposed to the 1982. My choristers agreed with me and were happy to make the switch.

Compline at Chapel of the Cross.

We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd. Our little additions:

Popule meus (Victoria; sung as Introit)
Hymn 162, The royal banners forward go (VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
Ave Regina Cælorum (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria ... virgo serena (des Prez)

Some thoughts on a cold Tuesday afternoon

I am sitting in front of the A entry at the Dean Dome, waiting to come in for the Eve Carson memorial service. Happily, when the westboro "baptist" Idiots requested police protection, they were denied. Therefore, they would be no where near the Dean Dome. There definitely is an increased presence in the area around the Dean Dome. The environment at the moment: quiet. People reading today's issue of The Daily Tar Heel. Others sitting in quiet contemplation. A couple doing homework. All waiting. It's quiet, peaceful. As time passes, more and more people come and wait. I see members of the media with their cameras and such. I think I recognised one of the field reporters for News 14 Carolina come by with her cameraman a few minutes ago. I see the news van for ABC 11 Eyewitness News in the carpark. I'm sure the rest of the local media outlets are around, as well.

In the meantime, the wait continues. Doors open at 3.00 pm. So I'll sit here and blog. I've got a bit to catch up on anyway, as I haven't posted my service music from Palm Sunday, and will be posting the music and such for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Day for St. Joseph's.

Also too - today is the first day the Forensic Science 101 class meets at Campbell University's RTP Campus. I already told the Head Instructor I was going to be late. So after this service, I will be heading to campus to give the students an introduction - just as I did during the Fall I term, I will be giving the students the Chemist's Perspective to Forensic Science.

Last thing. A muse has visited me, and is constantly whispering in my ear. Yes, I have been visited by muses before, and I have in my mind a novel-length story involving characters I've had in my head since I was in elementary school. However, this muse is encouraging me to try my hand at a one-shot story in the Harry Potter universe - Severus Snape and Lily Potter. Nothing romantic, really - Lily appears to Severus not long after he passes out looking at Harry's eyes ... and helps him come to terms with the choices he's made in his life. Then, in a scene out of MASH, she leads him onwards ... and they are joined by a group of witches and wizards who, themselves, are also marching onwards.

That's the short summary. Now all I have to do is put my thoughts on paper and see where it all goes.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why all the hate?

I cannot believe what I am reading.

The fools, the hate-filled creatures who call themselves a "church" - the Westboro so-called Baptist "Church" - is planning to picket Eve Carson's Memorial Service on Tuesday. I don't care about First Amendment rights in this situation - those people are just vile, evil creatures who misuse and abuse the term and the notion of church. They are devilish people who are misrepresenting the people of God, IMHO.

Even their press release is majorly offensive. How dare they praise their so-called god because another college student was senselessly killed? How dare they claim their god hates all American Colleges, and claim that Eve's death is their god's way of punishing all those who are a part of the college? They are the classic example of "Look in the mirror before you criticise others." They end their "press release" by declaring that, "American universities are god-defying, satanic, and vile." Well, you evil sods and mad cows who are a part of that godless organisation WBC - you should look at yourselves in the mirror and rewrite that sentence to read, "Westboro Baptist 'Church' is a godless, god-defying, satanic, and vile organisation."

I'm sure their hate-filled flyer can be found with Google searches; I refuse to insert a link with this post.

Can't those idiots allow a family and a community that has been so hurt by the actions of a couple of selfish, young thugs a chance to mourn in peace?

For those of you on Facebook ...

A friend of mine, Stephen Smith, has posted a wonderful collection of photos on his Facebook page. On the UNC campus stand a memorial to Eve Carson. People have written letters and notes, many heartfelt ... and it serves as a poignant reminder of what the UNC family, as well as the Chapel Hill/Carrboro community, have lost.

Here is what Stephen wrote introducing the album:
I have collected here memorials to Eve Carson. To stay here as a reminder those acts of grief, love and respect that we do when our lives are touched by death.

In a long while or a short one, the profile pictures will change back, the cubes will be repainted, and the flags will go to the top of the staff. But some part of us will always remember Eve and how she touched our lives, in ways big and small.
Beautifully stated, Stephen. I have not yet had the chance to visit this memorial, but it is indeed something I intend to do very soon, within the next couple of days.

I include a few photos as examples of the outpouring of love shown to this fallen angel.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Memorial Service for Eve Carson

The Memorial Service for Eve Carson has been set for Tuesday, March 18 at 4.00 pm in the Dean Dome. The doors will open at 3.00 pm. More information may be found here.

Despite the fact that Tuesday is the first day my Spring II course meets, at least in that case, I am one of 4 professors, and hope that I will be able to turn up late as I do feel the need to go to this Memorial Service.

As I mentioned in a previous post, on Easter Sunday, prayer cards will be printed and distributed to people at the 9.30 pm Compline service at Chapel of the Cross to honour Eve's memory.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A little bit of unease ...

Yesterday, after finishing the 5.15 pm service at Chapel of the Cross, I decided to take a walk through campus to the Health Sciences Library. In general, I don't feel uncomfortable walking through college campuses; it has generally been a place I've always felt safe, no matter if I was walking through UCSD, Brandeis University, Clark University, or UNC. However, given what's happened this past week, and the fact that the students are away on Spring Break, I couldn't help but feeling rather apprehensive as I was walking on Columbia Street on the way back to Chapel of the Cross for Compline. Maybe I'm just thinking too much ... but then again, anyone could be the victim of a crime anywhere. Admittedly, Clark University is not located in the safest part of Worcester; the Main South neighbourhood had been known as a not-so-safe place to be, especially at night. I do have some self-defence training, having been a part of the Clark University Karate Club for 4 years ... but then again, that was at least 10 years ago, and I did not continue my karate studies after I moved to NC.

But still ... I walked a little faster, and really paid attention to my surroundings ... and didn't feel at ease until I arrived at Chapel of the Cross. It's generally only a 20 minute or so walk from HSL to Chapel of the Cross, but it was the most nervous 20-minute walk I experienced since I arrived at the UNC campus.

I guess the news of Eve's senseless murder has affected me more deeply than I am consciously aware ...

9 March - Lent V

As usual ... my music lists for Sunday services. As the folks at Duke University are on Spring Break, there was no service at the Episcopal Centre at Duke University. Instead, I played the 5.15 pm service at Chapel of the Cross.

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

March 9: Lent V:

Prelude: O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde groß (BWV 622; J.S. Bach)
Pro: 495 Hail, thou once despised Jesus (IN BABILONE)
Kyrie: Willan (S-91 in Hymnal 1982)
Psalm: Ps 130 (Barrett)
Seq: 516 Come down, O Love divine (DOWN AMPNEY)
Off: 665 All my hope on God is founded (MICHAEL)
Sanctus: S-124 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S 161 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Comm: Jesus, remember me (Taizé)
Re: 457 Thou art the Way, to thee alone (ST. JAMES)

Chapel of the Cross

March 9: Lent V, 5.15 pm:

Prelude: O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde groß (BWV 622; J.S. Bach)
Pro: 489 The great Creator of the worlds (TALLIS' ORDINAL)
Seq: 457 Thou art the Way, to thee alone (ST. JAMES)
Off: 140 Wilt thou forgive that sin (DONNE)
Sanctus: S-124 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Comm: 339 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (SCHMÜCKE DICH; transposed up to E major so that it doesn't clash with ...); Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (Op. 122, No. 5; J. Brahms) No singing on this one; I just played a verse of #339, and then went straight into the Brahms setting. It took up just the right amount of time during Communion.
Re: 455 O Love of God, how strong and true (DUNEDIN)
Postlude: Finale: Andante from Organ Sonata No. 6 in d minor (Op. 65; F. Mendelssohn)

D-Fraz, as the youth like to call him (Rev. David Frazelle) delivered a wonderful sermon based on the Lazarus story, but also managed to weave in a lovely tribute to Eve Carson in addition. I was not aware she was a regular at the Compline services ... that made it all the more sad for me personally. Eve wasn't just a name in the news ... nor just a symbol of innocence lost on the UNC campus ... nor just another victim of a violent crime in normally quiet and safe Chapel Hill ... and all of this made me feel even more sad, sad for Eve, that her life was needlessly cut short by a greedy thug (or thugs) ... sad for her family, that they lost a bright rising star ... sad for the Carolina family, for losing someone so near and dear ... and as a member of the Carolina family, I feel sadness and grief along with my fellow Tar Heels.

Speaking of Compline ...

Compline at Chapel of the Cross.

We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd. Our little additions:

Lord, for Thy tender mercy's sake (Farrant; sung as Introit)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
Ave Regina Cælorum (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria ... virgo serena (des Prez)

Van let the choir know that Eve was a regular at the Compline services. He would know; he had made it a habit to personally greet each and every student who goes to these services, and he's very good about remembering faces. He said that Chapel of the Cross was one of the first to be notified that the body of the shooting victim found a mile away from campus was identified to be Eve. Chapel of the Cross will be printing up prayer cards for Eve, and will be distributing them at Compline on Easter Sunday.

In the meantime, at the point of the Compline service where the Officiant (in this case, Van) chants one or more Collects (BCP p. 133, if you're following along) ... he chanted this one, especially for Eve:
Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to you our sister Eve, who was reborn by water and the Spirit in Holy Baptism. Grant that her death may recall to us your victory over death, and be an occasion for us to renew our trust in your Father's love. Give us, we pray, the faith to follow where you have led the way; and where you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to the ages of ages. Amen.
There were not many dry eyes left at the end of that. You can feel the emotion amongst members of the choir (who, by the way, are made up of UNC and Duke students, as well as other members of the Triangle community), as well as that of those who attended.

It really shows just how much the senseless violence of Eve's passing has affected this community, I think. At this point, the Chapel Hill police are doing a wonderful job of investigating this crime, and have since released a couple of surveillance photos of a possible suspect, who was photographed attempting to use Eve's debit card. I'm sure that eventually, they will catch whomever did this, and that justice will be served.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Erm ...

I nearly fell off the organ bench when my friend, who shall remain nameless, shared this with me.

I haven't seen him for quite a while ... but then again, one might say I fell off the face of the planet when I took the position at St. Joseph's and the Duke U. Episcopal Centre. But still ...

Said friend shared with me that he decided to "give up going to church for Lent."

You can imagine the question marks going across my face on that one.

Me: "Erm ... did I hear you right? You're giving up going to church for Lent?"
AB: "Yup. I did."
Me (and Altar Guild lady, who overheard this conversation): !!!???!!!

Yes, AB actually admitted that the service he attended this afternoon was the first one he went to all Lent. His excuse: he caught that virus that was going around, and was bedridden for the better part of two weeks.

That, and he wasn't very keen to drive 45 minutes to get to a service. So I'm looking at him again ... surely, there are Episcopal churches closer to him than having to drive 45 minutes to the west to get to Chapel of the Cross!

All I could do was laugh, and tell AB, it was nice to see him again, but I'd need to ensure I had O Mensch, bewein' ... in the fingers before playing it as my prelude for the service ...

Friday, March 7, 2008

One Course Down

Now I can say, I completed one course. I've just submitted my final grades for my Chemistry 101 class, and it feels good to have that completed and out of the way. It's been a good experience. I was able to see what worked, what didn't, and what needed improvement. I think the Blended Course model does have its advantages ... and somehow, it worked this semester.

Next up on my docket: Forensic Sciences 101. After one glorious week off, we start up again the week after (Holy Week, for those of you keeping track).

Now I can ... erm ... go off to the organ, happy.

Time to chain myself to one to get some much needed practice time in.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I can't believe this. This hits way too close to home.

From The Daily Tar Heel:

Student Body President found dead

Student Body President Eve Carson was shot and killed early Wednesday morning, Chapel Hill police confirmed. Police said they are looking for Carson's vehicle - a blue 2005 Toyota Highlander - which was stolen in the incident. The license plate is AIV 6690, registered in Georgia. There are no suspects at this time. Police said they believe the shooting to be a random act at this point in the investigation.

This was way senseless, and a bright young life was cut down. She was only 22 years old and would have graduated in a couple month's time.

Here is the text of the email sent from the office of Chancellor James Moeser:
Dear Carolina Students, Faculty and Staff,

I am so sorry to tell you that Chapel Hill Police have identified the victim of this week’s shooting as Eve Carson, our student body president, trustee, wonderful person and great friend. We are deeply saddened and numb with grief.

I would like for us all to gather this afternoon on Polk Place at 3 p.m. to remember Eve and to grieve together. We will plan a full memorial service at a later time. For now, it is important that we pause, contemplate our loss and give each other support.

We encourage students, faculty or staff who feel they need assistance to contact the Office of the Dean of Students (966-4042) or Counseling and Wellness Services (966-3658). Counselors will be available at the Upendo Lounge at the Student Academic Services Building and Room 2518 A/B in the new addition at the Carolina Union until 11 p.m. this evening (Thursday, March 6, 2008). Resident advisors in campus housing and Granville Towers are also available to be of assistance and support.

I know how difficult it will be to begin to comprehend something so tragic. Please, as you gather your thoughts and prayers, think of Eve’s parents, family and friends.

I hope you will join us this afternoon on Polk Place.


James Moeser

So sad. So senseless. I only hope her friends and family can find comfort.

Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine;
Et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace, Eve Carson.

Catching Up with the Organ-ic Chemist, Take II

I will admit to having hibernated for the past week or so. I needed to get the last of my grading done, as well as my finals written up. Plus, I had to remember not to neglect my other jobs as well and actually sit down at an organ near me and practice. As it is, I am not allowing myself enough practice time, and I'm afraid it's showing on Sundays.

I am still dipping into the Harry Potter FanFiction, but at least I'm not doing it as obsessively as in days past. One new one-shot fic has caught my attention, however. It is amazing. It is post-Deathly Hallows/Deathly Hallows-compliant. In brief, the Trio (Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley), joined by Neville Longbottom, bring felled Potions Master Severus Snape's body back to Hogwarts, and give him the hero's tribute and burial he deserved. I was so moved by it, I cried. It's called Exanimus Virtutis: A Hero’s Goodbye, and is found on the Petulant Poetess. You may have to register in order to read the story, however.

Anyway, I've put up a few new posts. A list of them follow. Enjoy your trip into that thing known as my brain ... and have a Blessed rest of the week.

With warm regards,
Lyn F.

Catherine Park and Kristin Glaeser - Concert Program
3 March - Lent IV (Laetare Sunday)
It's Finals Week ...
Meme! Meme! Meme!

Meme! Meme! Meme!

I would call this the College Meme. Hat tip goes to Nick B. and Jason P.

Go on ... just do it ... you know you want to ... repost this survey with memories of your college days...

I will fill this in using my undergraduate university. I went to UCSD, and specifically, Revelle College.

When you attended UCSD, where did you live?
freshman year: I made the approximately 30 mile commute from home to campus.
sophomore year: Pepper Canyon Apartments, 1700 Building (the first year they were opened)
junior year: International House, 400 Building
senior year: International House, 400 Building
senior year II: International house, 400 Building

Who was/were your roommate(s)?
freshman year: I was "adopted" by ... I think it was Discovery Hall on the Revelle Campus. Res Life had a programme where specific floors of dorms would adopt a Freshman Commuter Student. It was a great way to meet people.
sophomore year: Lynda Bacquiran and two other people whose names I've forgotten.
junior year: Anita Sit, Anita Chan (post-doc researcher at UCSD Medical Centre), a French post-doc whose name I've forgotten
senior year: Anita Sit, Sandry Chendra, Kyoko Endo
senior year II: Anita Sit, Sandry Chendra, Yoko Kobayashi (Engineering grad student, I think)

Do you still talk to them?
Lynda, Sandry, Kyoko, and I still exchange Christmas cards. I've lost track of Anita Je Je (Chan) and Anita Mui Mui (Sit). All I know is that the two Anitas are married, and are both practising Medicine in the West Coast.

Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
Not that I recall. The only trouble, really, was when I had the French post-doc as a housemate. The two Anitas and I had specifically requested a non-smoking house, and yet the French housemate was assigned to us. She smoked like a chimney. We finally ganged up on her and asked her to stop smoking in the room. We did ask her if she smoked, why did she request non-smoking roommates. Her answer: she did not want to live in a smoky house (?!?!!). In the meantime, two of us who had definite allergies to cigarette smoke were suffering from constant health problems all year as a result. Interestingly enough, said health problems disappeared when we asked French housemate to stop smoking inside the house.

Something you remember when you lived on campus?
two words: fire alarms

I concur with Nick and Jason. The most interesting incidents have occurred with the fire alarms, although my most interesting experience with it occurred when I was living in graduate housing at Clark University. 914 Main Street, Worcester, MA. Grad house was on top of a pub type of establishment. Fire alarm went off at 2-bloody-30 in the bleeding morning. It was snowing, probably around 6 inches of snow on the ground and growing. So there were a group of bleary-eyed and rather irritated graduate students, standing out in the snow, wondering what went on to set off the fire alarm. It was a bloody kitchen accident in the pub that did it. Oh yes, the other memorable fire alarm incident? Again at Clark, this time when the graduate house was located at 87 Florence Street. This time, it was a bloody mouse that set it off in the wee hours of the morning. At least there wasn't snow on the ground, but I will admit - I slept through the bloody thing, and Campus Police were not pleased with me at all - they had to barge in and drag me out of bed. (Yes, I am a heavy sleeper. I am only too lucky the Practical Jokers never caught on to that ...)

Your campus phone number or other number?
The most memorable was one that Sandry picked out herself. The area code at the time was 619 (this was well before the 619/858 split). The phone number: 558-6588. Sandry thought the combination was a lucky one. I'm not superstitious, but I went along with it.

First party attended?
I really wasn't into parties that much. I was either in a practice room either in Argo Hall or at Mandeville Hall if I was lucky, or sitting at either the Undergraduate Library, the Central Library, or the library at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography ... or sitting at the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, within a very easy walking distance of Muir College.

Favorite Pizza Place?
Didn't really have one. Can't really count Licorice Pizza, as they did not serve pizza, but was actually a (vinyl) record store.

Favorite place to go out to eat?
Anywhere that wasn't on campus. With La Jolla Village Square and UTC nearby, there was always someplace interesting to eat. The most interesting? Carlos Murphy's, featuring Mexican and Irish foods. Actually, if you had access to a car, there are heaps of great places to eat in San Diego. You only had to make the time ... and the money ... in order to partake. Contrary to popular belief, I did not partake in constant Denny's and Roberto's runs as I wasn't really a night owl when I was an undergrad.

Did you go to the library?
I believe I answered that question above. When I did my upper level Chemistry courses, I was spending time mainly in the Scripps library ... oh yeah, at the time, the Chemistry Library was located in Urey Hall. It has since been moved to the Central Library (now the Geisel Library, yes, named after Dr. Seuss himself.)

What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
(blink blink) favourite floor??? I believe Pepper Canyon and I-House really only had two floors ... I'd say ask a Muir student who had the pleasure of living in either Tenaya or Tioga Hall. Maybe even ask the Physics students who had the pleasure of dropping various food items (eggs, watermelons, pumpkins, etc.) off the roofs of said buildings. Er, waitaminute ... perhaps the Watermelon Drop took place at the roof of Urey Hall over on Revelle Campus. I don't remember any more, it's been too long!!!

Where did you buy your books?
Whichever place had the cheapest, second-hand books. I always resented that the science students had to pay waaaaay more than the humanities students for their textbooks.

Play any sports?
Does Inner Tube Water Polo count as a sport? My graduate students friends in the CSE Department, especially Brian Russ, Bob Carragher, and Bob Carden, dragged me into most of the IM sport teams like volleyball, floor hockey, bowling ("and there was much rejoicing. yay." Delivered in a very deadpan voice, with a facial expression as devoid of emotion as much as possible ... used whenever one of the four of us bowled a strike or a spare) ... and yes, even Inner Tube Water Polo. I spent so much time with these blokes that everyone thought I was a CSE major!

Ever attend a sporting event?
(blink blink) - at UCSD?!? I wasn't a State (SDSU) student, where all the sport took place. They had their football, basketball, baseball, and parties. I had my books.

Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
Concerts, yes. Mostly of the classical type. Also attended talks by Elie Wiesel and Simon Wiesenthal (my high school history teacher was so into Holocaust studies, and piqued my interest in this area as well). The closest to comedic performance I attended was screenings of The Princess Bride and the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Otherwise, time was spent watching foreign films as part of the International Film Series, or Japanimation as part of the Cal Animage, Beta group.

Favorite professor(s)?
Hmmmm. Humanities: Richard Elliott Friedman. It seemed like every Revelle student wanted to take a Humanities course with Professor Friedman. David Luft was really nice also - he even tried to convince me to take a double major in History and Chemistry; I think he wanted me to do some special studies with him, but I decided against it. Chemistry: absolute favourite was Francis Knowles. He was a Lecturer at the time, and taught the Organic Labs. As I embark on my teaching career, Professor Knowles is the person I want to emulate. I also liked Dan Harvey as well - I took Advanced Organic Chemistry with him. He was tough, but fair, and I learnt a great deal from him.

Have you ever spent the night on campus not in a residence?
Yes ... whenever I felt like it, I would roam around campus with my trusty Canon AE-1 in hand. Sometimes, this also meant sleeping in the grassy area over by the Sun God.

Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go?
Erm ... I didn't really go out that much. If I did at all, it would usually be in downtown La Jolla ... or trying to find our way over to Mt. Soledad so we could get a great view of San Diego, and sit by the cross (which the bloody atheists have been trying to take down with legal challenge after legal challenge ever since I can remember) for quiet reflection. On a dare, a group of friends hiked over to Black's Beach ... notorious for being a haven for nudists. We didn't see much, just an aging bloke who seemed very comfortable in his sagging skin.

Where did you buy your coffee?
I didn't really. I'm not so keen on coffee. I feel like I'm on drugs if even a drop crossed my lips.

Favorite Year of Halloween?
Erm ... I don't recall. We may have planned stuff over at I-House, but nothing really sticks out in my mind.

Favorite memory?
Too many to say here.

Go see a play or been in one?
Oh yeah. When you live in San Diego, and you're within shouting distance of the Old Globe Theatre, how can you not see one?

What did you hate about your college?
Parking!!!! Honestly, you pay heaps of money for the parking permit, and really all it is is a hunting licence! Hunting around for parking spaces, that is! Otherwise, nothing really sticks out at me as hateworthy concerning UCSD. It truly is a wonderful place to go to school, no matter if you're an undergrad or graduate student.

What did you love most about it?
I may have sort of answered that in the previous question.

Where would you believe is the best location to live?
At the time, I lived there - the Pepper Canyon apartments. I'm sure better res halls and apartments have cropped up since then.

Graduated or still attending?

Year of graduation?
June 1992

Will you go back?
to visit, yes. If my parents had their way, I would try to apply for a faculty position at UCSD. However, I do recall somewhere in the recesses of that thing called my mind, that they rarely consider taking back their own, that as soon as they see you were educated at UCSD in your CV, they pass over you and look at someone else.

How many parking tickets have you gotten there?
I can only think of two.

Finally, ever gotten arrested?
No. The only time I had dealings with campus police was when I was asking them for contacts with the San Diego PD looking for forensics labs to visit for a field trip for the local American Chemical Society club.

Wow, that was a nice trip through memory lane!!! Okay, any takers for this meme? Anyone who reads this, please feel free to respond. Just leave a URL in the combox. I'd be delighted to hear from you.

It's Finals Week ...

... and I can't wait until it's all done. I will admit - it's been a good experience, taking charge over a class of my very own. No matter that I pretty much followed the syllabus of Dr. Michael Wells, but then again, why reinvent the wheel? It was fun coming up with experiments for the students to do, and with one notable exception (they didn't seem to appreciate the VSEPR lab, even though they spent the whole period playing with the very nice Molymod molecular models), for the most part, they enjoyed the lab, and I dare say, gained an appreciation for Chemistry.

I administered the Final Exam this past Tuesday. I gave the students 67 questions, total of 165 points, and figured it should take them 3 hours to complete. One person gave me the paper after a little over an hour. Looking over the paper, I can see why - there were several questions this student did not complete, or answered the "multiple guess" questions randomly. Most of the students completed the exam after 2.5 hours, and one person stayed for the entire 3 hours. A brief look through told me they did well, and I hope they will be pleased with their efforts.

The Lab Final Exam will be administered today, on-line. I've been extremely generous with the on-line assessments, allowing the students as much time as they need to complete the exam. They can only take the exam once, however, but they don't have to complete the exam in one sitting. That is an acknowledgement that my students are of the non-traditional type; they have full-time jobs, have families to look after ... a few of my students admit to me that they try to do their coursework over any breaks, lunch and otherwise, that they can take during the work day. When I have given on-line assessments, they will try the exam during their lunch hours, save it, and then when they get back home, after settling supper, kids, and spouse, they return to the exam and complete it. I've noticed they tend to do better with the on-line exams than the in-class exams. That's fine with me - as long as they are learning the material, it's perfectly fine with me.

My final marks need to be posted by Monday. I should be able to meet that deadline. And then after that - planning. I will be team-teaching Forensic Science 101 with Lt. Chris Hoina of the Cary Police Department and Dr. Jason Mercer. They are both fellow Adjunct Professors at Campbell University's RTP Campus. I am looking forward to this. We will be examining the same case we did last semester (a murder investigation out of the second season of CSI). That should make lesson planning easier, I think.

I will also be planning the summer courses I'm scheduled to teach: Chemistry 111 (General Chemistry for science majors) and Chemistry 227 (Organic Chemistry). The former should be easy; I will be following the wonderful program that Dr. Lin Coker at the Main Campus has put together. The latter, I will have the opportunity to plan from scratch. I will definitely draw on my long experience TA'ing Organic Lab from my graduate school days. Having had the recent opportunity to privately tutor UNC students will also help me as well.

Despite my sometime complaints about my "beloved Dunderheads," I am coming to the realisation that perhaps this is what I am meant to do all along. I am enjoying teaching, and I like spending time with the students. Perhaps sometime in the future, if a teaching job in a university comes along (teaching only, mind you ... I think my research days are over), I think I will apply for it. I'm not going to make scads of money doing it, but I don't need scads of money to be truly happy.

3 March - Lent IV (Laetare Sunday)

It's another Sunday. To the Roman Catholics, it's Laetare Sunday, and I blogged on this earlier.

I have just three lists today. Here they are ...

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

March 3: Lent IV:

Prelude: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (Op. 122, No. 5; J. Brahms)
Pro: 692 I heard the voice of Jesus say (sung to KINGSFOLD instead of THE THIRD TUNE)
Kyrie: Willan (S-91 in Hymnal 1982)
Psalm: Ps 23 (Guimont)
Seq: 490 I want to walk as a child of the light (HOUSTON)
Off: 645 The King of love my shepherd is (ST. COLUMBA)
Sanctus: S-124 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S 161 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Comm: Shepherd Me, O God (Haugen - see the note in my Lent I post if you're scratching your head at my Communion choice.)
Re: 493 O for a thousand tongues (AZMON)

I will admit - this group is really coming along nicely. We're working on Boyce's Alleluia Round for Easter, and after having worked on it for the past month, this lot has got it, and were able to keep up a 2-part round with accompaniment. This should be sounding wonderful for Easter!

As for the Communion thing they sung - another admission. This lot does that type of music very very well. It resonates with them, and I've noticed it brings something out of them, and it shows in the way they perform the piece. I received ever so many compliments on how the choir sounded, and I especially received heaps of praise over what they sung for Communion.

Sigh ... I suppose it would be to my advantage to tap into that and program music of this type. I just wish I could like this type of stuff. But then again, if I could like some of the stuff I've piled onto my Project Playlist list (which is accessible from my Myspace page; you don't need to friend me to listen to my virtual jukebox), then I suppose I could like some of the ... stuff ... I'm programming for Communion. I guess I've just experienced the Gather Comprehensive, Today's Missal, Breaking Bread, etc. stuff and other praise, holy roller, and folk type "religious" songs performed so badly that it leaves me cringing in its wake, and longing for "real" church music such as that I experienced at Chapel of the Cross, as well as the one Mass I attended at Sacred Heart in Dunn, NC. (I blogged on that as well, back in September, 2007.)

Episcopal Centre at Duke University.

March 3: Lent IV:

Prelude: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (Op. 122, No. 5; J. Brahms)
Pro: 645 The King of love my shepherd is (ST. COLUMBA)
Decalogue: S-353, chanted a cappella
Kyrie: Willan (S-91 in Hymnal 1982)
Seq: 490 I want to walk as a child of the light (HOUSTON)
Off: 142 Lord, who throughout these forty days (ST. FLAVIAN)
Sanctus: S-114 (Willan)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-158 (Willan)
Comm: 339 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (SCHMÜCKE DICH))
Re: 493 O for a thousand tongues (AZMON)

This will be the last service at Duke for a while; the students will be on Spring Break, and they return from Spring Break on Palm Sunday. Chaplain decided to resume services with the Maundy Thursday service, which will be jointly held with St. Joseph's.

Compline at Chapel of the Cross.

We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd. Our little additions:

Hide Thou Not Thy Face (Farrant; sung as Introit)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
Ave Regina Cælorum (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria ... virgo serena (des Prez)

Catherine Park and Kristin Glaeser - Concert Program

This was the concert program for the Sophomore Voice Recitals of UNC students Catherine Park and Kristin Glaeser. I went to support Kat as she is one of the Kenan Scholars who sings with St. Stephen's Episcopal Church.

Kat has a phenomenal voice, and amazing stage presence. She is so good now; I'm sure she will be better than excellent by the time she gives her Senior Recital a couple of years down the line. I don't know Kristin, but she has a nice voice, and a lovely lower register. I just wish I could hear her better. She barely opened her mouth, but it makes me wonder how much of that is nerves. She became stronger and stronger as the recital went on, and she finished rather brilliantly. Her French singing is very good, and as I watched her, the words of my former voice teacher, Beth Linnartz, started ringing in my head: "You should be singing the French words through a tube." Kristin demonstrated that very well, I thought.

With that, the program. The first and the sixth movements were performed by Kat (soprano) and Kristin (mezzo-soprano). The second and fourth movements were performed by Kat while the third and fifth movements were performed by Kristin.

With that, the program. This took place in the newly opened Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (nice space, by the way. They designed that space well, IMHO. But that's another post for another day.)

J. S. Bach: Domine Deus (from Mass in G Major)

G. Verdi: Lo spazzacamino
O. Respighi: Venitelo a vedere'l mi piccino
G. Donizetti: O luce di quest'anima (from Linda di Chamounix)

C. Debussy: Three pieces from Ariettes Oubliées
C'est l'extase ...
L'ombre des arbres

F. Schubert: Three songs which tracks a girl's experience with love
Nacht unt Träume
Lachen und Weinen
Du bist die Ruh

S. Barber: Three songs
The Monk and His Cat
A Green Lowland of Pianos

G. Gershwin: Blah Blah Blah

(and absolutely not is the last piece anything like the song with the identical title by Iggy Pop!!!)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The coolest thing ...

A friend of mine sent this to me via email. It is truly the coolest thing!

HEMA is a Dutch department store. The first store opened on November 4, 1926, in Amsterdam. Now there are 150 stores all over the Netherlands. HEMA also has stores in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany. In June 2007, HEMA was sold to British investment company Lion Capital.

Take a look at this page from HEMA's website. You can't order anything and it's in Dutch but just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens.

Dudley Moore at the piano

Interestingly enough, on the listserv PIPORG-L, there is a thread going on entitled "Famous People who play organ." The late British actor and comedian, Dudley Moore, was mentioned as one of them. I had no idea he was so talented at the keyboard, so I looked him up, and sure enough, his bio states that he was an accomplished pianist and organist in his youth, and studied music and composition at Magdalen College, Oxford University, where he was an organ scholar.

This YouTube video shows how talented Moore was at the piano. Here, he is improvising in the style of a Beethoven piano sonata, throwing in elements of the famous whistling tune from Bridge Over the River Kwai.