Instructions: Post the first one or two sentences from the first LJ-entry of each month.
I also posted one of these on my LJ. It won't be as long as this post because I only started my LJ last August.
Sorry for the length of this post. I wish Blogger had a feature like LJ ("LJ cut") so the appearance of the post won't be so long and daunting.
With that, the review.
January, in which I admit I have an obsession with Harry Potter Fan Fiction. Goodness, I go on a whinge-fest don't I? Click the January link if you want to read more besides the snippet I provided here ...
We are now at Day 2 of 2008. I'll have to admit to not having done much besides putter around the house ... and read some Harry Potter Fanfiction. I know, there are other things I really should be doing, like ...
February, in which Brian Michael Page so very kindly awarded me an "E for Excellent" blog award. (Thanks, Brian! :-) )
Brian over at Christus Vincit was so kind to give me a blog award. The catch? I have to award it back to 10 other blogs! The recipients must do the same.
March, in which I discuss Dudley Moore, who in his youth played both the piano and the organ.
Interestingly enough, on the listserv PIPORG-L, there is a thread going on entitled "Famous People who play organ." The late British actor and comedian, Dudley Moore, was mentioned as one of them.
April, in which I wrote about my first bout with laryngitis, and my thoughts on the now Dr. Amanda Sharko's Ph.D. defence (she was brilliant, by the way).
It happens yet again - every time I catch a cold, laryngitis inevitably follows. So I'm temporarily speechless ...
I went to UNC this afternoon to listen to my friend Amanda Sharko's Ph.D. Thesis Defence Seminar.
May, in which I provided the Order of Worship for an Evensong I attended for the Feast of the Ascension.
I went to The Chapel of the Cross for their Solemn Evensong for the Feast of the Ascension. The main draw: The Revd. Professor Peter Gomes made a return visit to preach.
June, in which I post the service music for the Third Sunday after Pentecost.
The Centennial Celebration Weekend at St. Joseph's Episcopal Church concluded with a visit from Bishop William Gregg this past Sunday. (Yes, I know. I'm posting this several days late, but ... better late than never, right?)
July, in which I list the service music from the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul and wished Fr Jacek well in his future endeavours.
I played the 5.30 pm Vigil Mass at Immaculate Conception Saturday evening, and pinch-hit for my mate Andy at the 7.45 am Mass the next morning.
Before I go on, I should mention that this was also the last weekend that Fr. Jacek Orzechowski would spend as the Parochial Vicar at IC, having been assigned as Associate Pastor at St. Camillus Church in Silver Springs, MD.
August, in which I noticed the respect residents of Rocky Mount, NC, have for a funeral procession.
A friend and I drove to Rocky Mount, NC to attend the funeral of a mutual friend's father. (It was for him that I asked for prayers Monday; he passed away early morning July 30.) At the memorial service, there were tears and remembrances; he was much-beloved by family and friends.
September, in which I list the service music for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost.
Sorry for the huge delay in posting this. There are three music lists here from the two services I played last Sunday morning and afternoon, as well as the Compline service I sung in later on that evening.
October, in which I opened the month filling in the meme that is now making its way through Facebook: the Closest Book Meme:
Well, I highly doubt I would have been able to find anything that would have fulfilled the requirements of this meme from Episcopal Music Planning Guides, so I grabbed the next best thing that's not a hymnal or the Book of Common Prayer.
Sigh. It figures. I pull out a book of poetry, and the fifth sentence on page 56 bleeds on to page 57.
And the title of the book I pulled out: The Poetry of Pablo Neruda, Ed. Ilan Stavans, Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, 2003
November, in which I list the service music for the Feast of All Saints.
These lists come quite late because I've been sick. (Those of you who have been following my Facebook page have probably had enough of my whingeing.)
Here are my usual lists.
And finally, December, in which I list the service music for the First Sunday of Advent.
Happy Advent Everyone!
I have four lists for you this time around.
Wow, what a list. I originally started this blog on MySpace in June 2007, and moved it here September 2007. My original intention was to create the blog to record any service music and concert programs. As you can see, it's evolved into a journal of thoughts and impressions on life in general. If you made it this far, thanks for wading into my thoughts.
Pax vobiscum,
Lyn, aka the Organ-ic Chemist
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