Monday, June 9, 2008

Solemn Eucharist Rite II ...

... with the Celebration and Blessing of the Union of Terry Byrd Eason and Jonathan Dexter Whitney

This very beautiful service took place last Saturday, June 7 at Chapel of the Cross. Terry and Jonathan requested that I rang the bell both before and after the service. They also requested a piece that's been a Compline staple for the last two months of the Spring 2008 semester, in addition to there being at least 4 Compline members amongst the Senior Choir, myself included (and yes, I had enough voice to croak, erm, sing First Alto).

There was a ton of smoke! Terry and Jonathan gifted a brand new thurible in memory of Terry's cousin Emily. So there were two thuribles used during the service. (Yes, the incense flows freely during the Compline services as well. Yes, there is a theme here ... when they are in town, Terry and Jonathan are faithful attendees at the Compline services.)

With that, the Order of Worship. The numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Organ Voluntaries
Prelude and Fugue in C Major (J. S. Bach)
Andante Sostenuto (Symphonie Gothique; C.-M. Widor)
Kyrie Gott Heiliger Geist (Bach)
Hymn in Procession: 423, Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (ST. DENIO)
Gloria: Missa Marialis, Mode 8, Mass 9 (arr. C. W. Douglas)
The Collect of the Day
First Reading
: The Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 8:6-7
Psalm: 139:1-17 (Anglican chant, setting by S. S. Wesley)
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:1-13
Sequence Hymn: 475, God Himself is With Us, Let Us All Adore Him (TYSK)
Gospel: John 15:9-12 (chanted by the Gospeller)
Celebration and Blessing of the Union
The Vows
The Blessing of the Covenant
The Peace
Offertory Motet
: Ave Maria (R. Parsons)
The Great Thanksgiving: S-120
Sanctus: S-130 (Deutsche Messe; Schubert)
Lord's Prayer: S-119
Fraction Anthem: S-154 (New Plainsong Mass; D. Hurd)
Communion Motet: Ave verum corpus (W. Byrd)
Communion Hymn: 324, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY)
Solemn Te Deum: Te deum laudamus in C Major (C. V. Stanford)
The Collect at the End of Worship
Recessional Hymn
: 623, O what their joy and their glory must be (O QUANTA QUALIA, REGNATOR ORBIS)
Dismissal: traditionally used during Eastertide
Organ Voluntary: Acclamations: Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat! (Suite Médiévale; J. Langlais)

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