Sunday, June 15, 2008

15th June - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time/Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

I cantored the 7.45 am Mass at Immaculate Conception this morning. Minus the organ pieces (most of which I believe ended up being improvisations anyway), here is the music list for that Mass.

As usual, the numbers come out of GIA's Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover):

The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gloria: 254 (Lee)
Gospel Acclamation: Murray; verse chanted to tone VIII-g
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Mass of Creation, with my "doctoring" of the Agnus Dei, essentially undoing the language faux-pas Haugen inflicted upon it in the first place ...

Pro: 499, Sing out, earth and skies (SING OUT; yes, Haugen)
Psalm: 96, Psalm 100 (Gelineau)
Off: 538, Let heaven your wonders proclaim
Comm: organist's voluntary
Re: 535, To God with gladness sing (CYMBALA)

I didn't pick these ... but as I was singing 538, I thought this might not be a bad piece to introduce to my merry little band, especially as they do those types of pieces particularly well. I'll just have to program that whenever Psalm 89 comes around, or some other reading in which that text would fit well.

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church - numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist: Rite II
Prelude: Prelude on Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (P. Manz)
Pro: 686, Come, thou fount of every blessing (NETTLETON)
Trisagion: S-100 (New Plainsong Mass; Hurd)
Psalm: Ps 116 (Guimont)
Seq: 455, O Love of God, how strong and true (DUNEDIN)
Off: 528, Lord, you gave the great commission (AUSTRIA)*
Sanctus: S-130, Deutsche Messe (Schubert)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-169, My flesh is food indeed (Urwin)
Comm: Gather Comprehensive 611, On Eagle's Wings
Re: 541, Come, labor on (ORA LABORA)
Postlude: Prelude and Fugue in F major (attr. Bach)

* I will admit - I am not very keen on the setting of 528 in The Hymnal 1982 (set to ROWTHORN), and had contemplated having my lot sing it to ABBOT'S LEIGH; however, when I flipped through their St. Joseph's Hymnal, I decided to do it to AUSTRIA, mainly because they had it in that hymnal to that setting. Also too, my choristers informed me that they usually used that tune to go with Lord you gave the great commission whenever it was programmed. So it all worked out in the end.

I just got a copy of Wonder, Love and Praise to look over. If anyone out there has had experience with this hymnal, please could you give me your opinions on it in the combox? I know the clergy over at the Duke Episcopal Centre use this as a resource, and I might very well considering doing so also.

Happy Father's Day, everyone!

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