Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prompt for 1 December (Gifts)

What was the first tangible gift you remember receiving?

That's a hard one. To be honest, I don't really remember. Ha! :D

If I had to pick one, I'd say it would be my first piano. I don't have a picture of it here, but the one below is a close approximation of it.

It was a Baldwin Hamilton spinet piano. I was told later that, despite the name plate on the piano, it was probably more an Acrosonic ca. 1978 rather than a Hamilton. I guess the Hamiltons were more the studio upright pianos. Those of you who deal with pianos professionally, please feel free to correct me.

I did have a piano teacher way back then. Gwen Gorospe was the babysitter and the piano teacher. My memories of that time were not very vivid, but I did recall that reading music came easily to me, which put me in good stead later on when I didn't have a teacher anymore after Gwen graduated from high school.

I played the piano all throughout middle school and high school. I do remember when I was in... maybe it was high school? I don't remember... some of my band friends had asked me to accompany them on the piano. (I think they were mostly woodwind players...) I know how important it is to have a strong accompanist when you're a soloist, and I only hope I didn't lead them astray.

I stopped playing when I was in college, so the piano stayed in place, unplayed most of the time. I didn't start playing again until after I finished all my education, and then it became a haven for me. By that time, I was learning how to play the organ, and music became my refuge. Whenever I needed a break, or whenever I had some energy I needed to work off, I'd head for a church near me, slip in, and play the organ for a bit. Sometimes, I'd also play some piano pieces I hadn't played in years.

I'll be seeing the old Baldwin piano later on this month. My mum rang me up the other day, telling me my 10-year-old nephew wants to learn how to play the piano. So I'll find some Piano Adventures books and give him a start. I certainly hope my brother and sister-in-law will be able to find him a teacher so he could continue should he want to do so after I return to Durham.

At least I know the Baldwin will be played and not sit around, gathering dust.


Anonymous said...

My grandmother gave me a chemistry set, but my parents confiscated it thinking I would blow up the house.

Grandma stepped in and would let me create lab experiments under her "careful supervision." Nothing ever blew up!

The set is long gone, but she also gave me an old copy of King Lear that I have kept.

Angelia Sims said...

That is too cool. I would have loved to play piano. It is such a beautiful instrument. Seems like it would be very peaceful to play.

It will be fun teaching your nephew.

I am blogging NaBloPoMo December too. Stopping by from the thread.

That's a great first gift!

Lyn F. said...

@Miguel, a chemistry set! Ooooooh... I wish I had one of those when I was growing up. I think I remembered asking my mum for a paint kit, but I don't think I ever got it.

@Angelia, I agree, the piano is a beautiful instrument. I will admit to liking the organ more, though. :) And it will be fun to teach J. I hope he will agree that it's fun. I have a picture of him when he was around 1 or 2, sitting at the piano, putting his hand on the keys and pressing down. It was very adorable. :) Thanks for stopping by. Good luck with the NaBloPoMo'ing. :)