Saturday, June 13, 2009

13 June - Vigil Mass for the The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ [Corpus Christi]

*pats my poor, neglected blog*

I was asked to play the Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Mass at Immaculate Conception. Any numbers you see come out of GIA's Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover), unless otherwise specified.

Saturday 5:30 pm Mass: Vigil Mass for the The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ [Corpus Christi]
Prelude: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (J.G. Walther)
Hymn in Procession: 540, Let all mortal flesh keep silence (PICARDY)
Gloria: 176, New Mass for Congregations (C.T. Andrews)
Psalm: Flor y Cantos 253, Psalm 116, El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing Cup (J. Cortez)
Gospel Acclamation: 216, Mass for the Life of the World (D. Haas)
Offertory anthem: Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away (Ke. Getty; Kr. Getty; S. Townend)
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: 166-168; 171, Mass of Creation (M. Haugen)
Communion Hymn: 593, We remember how you loved us to your death (M. Haugen)
Recessional Hymn: 558, Lift up your hearts to the Lord (R. O'Connor)
Postlude: Fuge or Voluntary in D (Wm. Selby; ed. B. Owen)

*shrugs* What can I say? I'm only asked to play it. They didn't ask me to like it or approve of it. I've said this many times - I do not relate to this kind of music all that well, and to be honest, for everything after the Gloria, I really felt like I was typing the music rather than making it. Most especially for that ... closing song (I refuse to call it a hymn).

I should stop now before I say something I may regret. I know, I could always refuse to play that particular Mass, but despite my other musical endeavours, I do consider IC to be my home parish, and I've always been willing to do what I can. One would say this is a taste issue. For me, personally, I'm really saddened that this kind of musical tripe makes its way to a Mass.

*end rant

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