Still playing catch-up.
I have three lists for you here.
My turn for cantoring the 7:45 am Mass at
Immaculate Conception came up last Sunday. Here is the music, including some, but not all, organ voluntary music my friend Jane played. Any numbers you see come out of GIA's
Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover), unless otherwise specified.
Sunday 7:45 am Mass: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary TimePrelude:
Jesu, meine Freude (BWV 610; J.S. Bach)
Hymn in Procession: 685, Moved by the Gospel, let us move (KINGSFOLD)
Gloria: 176,
New Mass for Congregations (C.T. Andrews)
Psalm: Psalm 33 (M. Guimont)
Gospel Acclamation: 257,
Alleluia 7 (Berthier)
Offertory: 741, God is here! As we his people (ABBOT'S LEIGH)
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen: 297, 298, 299, St. Louis Jesuits Mass (unfortunately :P)
Agnus Dei: 314,
Holy Cross Mass (Isele)
Communion: I didn't actually catch what it was Jane played.
Recessional Hymn: 615, Seek ye first the kingdom of God (SEEK YE FIRST)
Postlude: I didn't catch this one either.
Sigh. I'm sorry, but I really really really really dislike the St. Louis Jesuits Mass setting. It's the most banal piece of "muzak" I've ever had to experience. At least the ever-beautiful Isele setting of the Agnus Dei was paired with it.
Perhaps I'm sensitive to this, but when I hear horrid Music at Mass, I just cannot concentrate on the Mass. A friend of mine, who is the DM at a church that shall not be named, put it very well when he said that most of the "contemporary" music that comes from the modern "songbooks" (I can't call them hymnals) like OCP's Spirit and Song, is really more
performance-oriented than it is congregation-friendly. His observation that the congregation just simply doesn't sing when those songs are programmed is spot-on. I've experienced that myself.
Sigh. Why is it that whenever I cantor at Mass, I always seem to have some sort of rant about the music? Can't we Catholics do any better than this???
Sorry. Off my soapbox.
St. Joseph's Episcopal Church where I played the usual 10:30 am service. As usual, the numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist Rite IIPrelude: Prelude in B-flat Major (attr. J. S. Bach)
Processional Hymn: 379, God is love, let heaven adore him (ABBOT'S LEIGH)
Gloria: S-277, New Plainsong (Hurd)
Psalm: Ps 104, Simplfied Anglican Chant
Sequence Hymn: 348, Lord, we have come at your own invitation (O QUANTA QUALIA)
Offertory Hymn: 426, Songs of praise the angels sang (NORTHAMPTON)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-167, The disciples knew the Lord Jesus (M. Martens; Mode 6)
Communion Anthem: God be merciful unto us and bless us (
Deus misereatur nostri; Psalm 67; H. Willan)
Recessional Hymn: 388, O worship the King, all glorious above!(HANOVER)
Postlude: Fugue in B-flat Major (attr. Bach)
Heh. I actually apologised to my choir for programming the hymntune Abbot's Leigh two weeks in a row.
Oh, and I must say, I'm super-excited. I have a guitarist who is capable of playing the guitar part in Chris diBlasio's
wonderful God is our righteousness! I think we're going to work it up to play in church some Sunday. I think it would be nice to consider it for an Organ Plus recital as well.
If you wish to listen to this and other wonderful pieces, go to the
Pipedreams website. Click
here to go to the November 27, 2006 episode, "In Praise of Humanity", which honoured composers whose lives were cut short by AIDS.
Episcopal Centre at Duke University, where I played the usual 4:00 pm service. As usual, the numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982 unless otherwise indicated.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist Rite IIPrelude: Improvisation on In Babilone
Processional Hymn: 495, Hail, thou once despised Jesus (IN BABILONE)
Gloria: S-280 (Powell)
Psalm: Ps 91, recited
Sequence Hymn: 602, Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (CHEREPONI)
Offertory Hymn: 408, Sing praise to God who reigns above (MIT FREUDEN ZART)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Communion Hymn: WLP 825, Bless the Lord, my soul (Taizé)
Recessional Hymn: 477, All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine (ENGELBERG)
Postlude: Improvisation on Engelberg
Many thanks to the kind folks at
St. Luke's in Durham for the wonderful dinner and fellowship!