Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all!

I had an enjoyable evening. Read all about it here.

Now I'm thawing out and relaxing a bit. It's hard to believe that the last two months of the year are upon us. 2008, where have you gone?

And now as we're on the eve of All Saints' Day, I also want to take a moment to remember those who have gone before me. First and foremost: please remember the mother of Daniel P., who passed away yesterday. Also too, please remember Eve Carson, who will have celebrated her 23rd birthday 19th November, Ruth Ellen Nice, Mary Roger Brennan, Procer Francisco, Norma Francisco, Ricardo Francisco, and my grandparents Juan and Ceferina Yalong, and my uncle Aurelio Yalong. Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

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