Sunday, October 3, 2010

Compline at Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, NC—10.03.2010

Late. Again. Yes, it's being back-dated.

Compline at Chapel of the Cross.

We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd.

Here are our little additions:

Domine fac mecum (Thomas Morley)
Psalms 4/134 (chanted to Tone 8)
Hymn: To you before the close of day (TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM, Mode 8)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
Lord's Prayer (Robert Stone)
Nunc Dimittis (fauxbourdon, H. Willan)
Salve Regina (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria (Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Organ improvisation by the abfab Van Quinn

This was the first week we sang the Stone "Lord's Prayer". It's a lovely piece. I linked the YouTube video above so you could have an idea how it sounds like. I agree with the commentator however: that group had taken the tempo too fast, and as a result, it didn't sound all that prayerful. I'd like to think that we made it sound more... well, reflective, really, than that.

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