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From the New Liturgical Movement blog |
Here are two lists. The first is from the 7:45 a.m. Mass at Immaculate Conception Church. My friend, Jane L., was behind the console.
Before I go on: let me explain the graphic that heads this post.
Lætáre Jerúsalem:
et convéntum fácite
ómnes qui dilígitis éam:
gaudéte cum lætítia,
qui in tristítia fuístis:
ut exsultétis, et satiémini
abubéribus consolatiónis véstræ.
Today is Lætare Sunday, so-named after the Introit of the day, which I've reproduced for you above (Rejoice, O Jerusalem: and come together all you that love her: rejoice with joy you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, and be filled from the breasts of your consolation). `Fr. Dan wore his pink chasuble, and I took a picture of him in it. I may post it to Facebook later on (but I wish he'd smile more in his pictures...)
My turn for cantoring came up at Immaculate Conception. Any numbers you see come out of GIA's Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover).
Sunday 7.45 am Mass: Fourth Sunday of Lent: Lætare Sunday
Prelude: O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, BWV 618 (J.S. Bach)
Opening Hymn: 388, The Glory of these Forty Days (OLD 100TH)
Kyrie: 175, chanted in Greek
Psalm: 30, Psalm 23 (Gelineau)
Gospel Acclamation: 266 (M Haugen; Turn to the Lord with all your heart)
Offertory: 575, We cannot measure how you heal (YE BANKS AND BRAES)
Sanctus: 180, People's Mass
Mem. Accl., Amen: 181-182, Danish Amen Mass
Agnus Dei: 312, Agnus Dei XVIII (in Latin)
Communion Motet: O God be merciful (C. Tye; arr. G. St. Clair)
Communion Hymn: 396, Adoramus Te, Christe (M Haugen; Adoramus Te, Christe)
Postlude: Jesu, meine freude, BWV 610 (J.S. Bach)
I was invited to join the Aurora Choir as they sang Gabrael St. Clair's arrangement of Christopher Tye's "O God be merciful." Gabrael is one of my fellow cantors, and she asked some of IC's choir members to sing this during Communion. It was very well-received, and the choir did a wonderful job.
St. Joseph's Episcopal Church where I played the usual 10.30 am service. As usual, the numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.
Fourth Sunday in Lent: Holy Eucharist Rite I
Prelude: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (J. Brahms)
Processional Hymn: 339, Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (SCHMÜCKE DICH)
Kyrie: Enriching Our Music I 54 (Missa Oecumenica; R Proulx)
Psalm: Psalm 23 (Plainsong, Tone II.1)
Sequence Hymn: 490, I want to walk as a child of the light (HOUSTON)
Offertory Hymn: 645, The King of love my shepherd is (ST. COLUMBA)
Sanctus: Enriching Our Music I 56 (Missa Oecumenica; R Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: Enriching Our Music I 57 (Missa Oecumenica; R Proulx)
Communion Anthem: The Lord of Love my Shepherd Is (arr. K. Lee Scott)
Recessional Hymn: 493, O for a thousand tongues to sing (AZMON)
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