Sunday, September 12, 2010

12 September - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 19

Yes, late again, so I'm back-dating this post.

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church where I played the usual 10.30 am service. As usual, the numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist Rite II
Prelude: Improvisation on Lauda Anima
Processional Hymn: 410, Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)
Gloria: S-277, New Plainsong (Hurd)
Psalm: Psalm 14 (Simplified Anglican Chant)
Sequence Hymn: 706, In your mercy, Lord, you called me (HALTON HOLGATE)
Offertory Hymn: 645, The King of love my shepherd is (ST. COLUMBA)
Sanctus: S-125, Community Mass (Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-167, The disciples knew the Lord Jesus (M. Martens; Mode 6)
Communion Anthem: Lord, for Thy tender mercy's sake (Farrant)
Recessional Hymn: 388, O worship the King, all glorious above!(HANOVER)
Postlude: Improvisation on Hanover

I mis-estimated the time required for the communion anthem, and there were still people in the communion procession approaching the altar rail, so I went through my music and pulled out a Taizé piece: WLP 825, Bless the Lord, my soul. I was gratified when the choir picked up on what I was trying to do, and people in the pews and in the chancel were singing it. I was hoping for Ubi caritas, but couldn't find it.

As it turns out, I'd need it for the afternoon service I played at....

Christ Church (Episcopal) in Raleigh. My friend, Eddie, had asked me to sub for him; he plays the 5:00 pm Contemplative Eucharist.

Here is the music I played for that service.

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Contemplative Eucharist Rite II
Prelude: Adagio-(Allegro), Voluntary in e minor (Op. 7, No. 7; J. Stanley)
Gradual Response: WLP 825, Laudate Dominum (Taizé)
Preparation of the Altar: 470, There's a wideness in God's mercy (BEECHER)
Communion Song: WLP 831, Ubi caritas et amor (Taizé)
Communion Voluntary: Allegretto (Wm. Boyce)
Postlude:Fantasia (J. Pachelbel)

It was an interesting service. Admittedly, I didn't pay much attention to the organ... three manuals, terribly out of tune... couldn't find any stops that seem to correspond to the third manual, but when I tried playing on it, a very out-of-tune set of reeds answered... but then again, it's a "contemplative service", so I used soft stops befitting of a service with that description. Unfortunately, soft stops don't exactly convince a congregation to sing, and the singing was a little weak, especially with the Taizé. I did hear some singing, but it's not robust like the singing I encounter at the 5.15 pm service at Chapel of the Cross, for example.

It was a good experience for me, though. I thank Eddie for the opportunity.

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