Sunday, August 1, 2010

1 August - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 13

Just one list for you today.

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church where I played the usual 10.30 am service. As usual, the numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist Rite II
Prelude: Jesu, meine Freude (J.G. Walther)
Processional Hymn: 408, Sing praise to God who reigns above (MIT FREUDEN ZART)
Gloria: S-277, New Plainsong (Hurd)*
Psalm: Psalm 107 (Simplified Anglican Chant)
Sequence Hymn: 701, Jesus, all my gladness (JESU, MEINE FREUDE)
Offertory Hymn: 665, All my hope on God is founded (MICHAEL)
Sanctus: S-130, Deutsche Messe (Schubert/Proulx)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Fraction Anthem: S-169, My flesh is food indeed (Urwin)
Communion Hymn: 529, In Christ there is no east nor west (McKEE)
Recessional Hymn: 594, God of grace and God of glory (CWM RHONDDA)
Postlude: Triumphal March (G.F. Handel)

Interestingly enough, we received a lot of feedback, mostly negative, about switching to the Gloria mid-stream. It was a bit of a surprise that the criticism was quick and passionate. If you've read my entry from last week, you'll see why (after careful consultation with the Senior Warden and the Deacon) we switched it to the Gloria. We'll be switching back to the Trisagion for the rest of the month until the service music will be changing for the second half of "Ordinary Time".

I started my group on the lovely anthem by Friedell, "Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether". I was chuffed that my group was able to pick up the first 2/3 of the piece very readily! I think it will be beautiful by the time we sing it on the 29th August. :)

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