Friday, September 21, 2007

Music for 23 September - Ordinary 25

I'm drawing the Cantoring Duties at the 7.45 am Mass for the next two Sundays. Numbers are from Gather Comprehensive (1994; green cover).

Here's the list for this coming Sunday:

September 23: Ordinary 25 (Sun. 7.45 am)

Gloria: Lee
Alleluia: Murray; verses to Tone VIII-g
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass

Pro: 741 God Is Here! As We, His People (ABBOT'S LEIGH)
Psalm: Ps 113, Ostrowski (from the Chabanel Responsorial Psalm Project)
Off: 771
Jerusalem, My Happy Home (LAND OF REST)
Comm: Organ Voluntary
615 Seek Ye First


Brian Michael Page said...

How did the people do with the Chabenel Psalm? Went ok here - they've been too damn spoiled by tone 8 all summer, so anything other than that is still foreign to them for the first few weeks. They'll get used to it soon enough - I hope - those are some nice settings, this Ps. 113 one especially.

Lyn F. said...

I agree. It seems mixed, however. From my vantage point at the ambo, it looked like some people were singing, some not. But then again, this is the 7.45 am Mass we're talking about here.

I had asked a couple of friends for their feedback after the Mass. One, who is a fellow cantor, said she thought it was "pretty," but criticized the decision to use the Chabanel because there was Guimont's setting of Ps 113 in the Gather hymnal we use, and that "people like to follow along in the hymnal." Also too, she claimed that as the PIPs were non-musical, "they only hear the melody, but they don't pick up on the words, so it's meaningless to them."

I asked another friend, and she said she really liked it, as did she like all the music played and sung during Mass. (The organist decided it was a Mendelssohn day - prelude was the first 2 mvts from Sonata II, Communion was Prelude II, and postlude was the 3rd mvt from Sonata II.)

We're going to try Chabanel next week for Ps 146, and we'll see how the sleepy PIPs respond then.

Thanks for asking, and thanks for bearing with my rather long answer.