I borrowed the tag from The Christus Vincit Man, Brian Michael Page.
So okay, I'll bite.
1. Do you attend the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo?
Novus Ordo, although I did have the opportunity to have gone to a TLM. Check out my review of that here.
2. If you attend the TLM, how far do you drive to get there?
If I were to go (wish I could), I would have had to drive a little over 60 miles to get there.
3. If you had to apply a Catholic label to yourself, what would it be?
Er, ditto what Brian said: Roman Catholic.
4. Are you a comment junkie?
Only when warranted.
5. Do you go back to read the comments on the blogs you’ve commented on?
6. Have you ever left an anonymous comment on another blog?
Once, on Anderson Cooper's blog, but it didn't get published.
7. Which blogroll would you most like to be on?
Hey, whatever works.
8. Which blog is the first one you check?
I agree with what Brian said: It depends on my mood.
9. Have you met any other bloggers in person?
Yes. Charles Culbreth at Musica Dei Donum Optimi, David Myers (through his parents since I used to work with both of them at one point in time) at The Art of David Myers, and Dan Keller at randomthoughtsandfreeassociations.
10. What are you reading?
I was reading Brian's blog. Go figure - that's exactly how I got this meme!
TAG, YOU'RE IT! Anyone who reads this who wants to play!
Musings and such from an Organic Chemist who also occupies an organ bench when she's not at the lab bench.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Central North Carolina AGO Members' Recital Program
Last night, my friend Tom Bloom and I went off to Resurrection (LC/MS) Lutheran Church in Cary, NC. There, the Central North Carolina Chapter of the American Guild of Organists held their Members' Recital. As they were celebrating the tercentenary anniversary of Dietrich Buxtehude's death, and the centenary anniversary of Jean Langlais' birth, the recital featured works by Buxtehude and Langlais.
The organ was a Schantz, built in 1991.
The program follows:
Thomas Fielding, DM, Dean of CNCAGO
The organ was a Schantz, built in 1991.
The program follows:
Thomas Fielding, DM, Dean of CNCAGO
- Langlais: Incantation pour un Jour Saint
- Buxtehude: Ciacona in e minor, BuxWV160
- Langlais: Canzona from Suite Folklorique
- Langlais: Prélude from Suite Médiévale
- Buxtehude: Gott der Vater wohn' uns bei, BuxWV190
- Buxtehude: Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist, BuxWV208
- Langlais: Prélude au Kyrie from Hommage à Frescobaldi
- Buxtehude: Prelude and Fugue in g minor, BuxWV149
- Langlais: Suite Française
- Langlais: Trois Paraphrases Gregoriennes: III. Te Deum
- Buxtehude: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BuxWV211
- Langlais: Pasticcio
- Buxtehude: Prelude, Fugue, and Chaconne, BuxWV137
- Buxtehude: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV223
- Buxtehude: Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott, BuxWV184
- Buxtehude: Magnificat Primi Toni, BuxWV203
Friday, September 28, 2007
Good bye, Old Friend
As of today, and most likely, as I'm writing this blog entry, UNC Chapel Hill's Hill Hall is losing an old friend. The 4-manual, 59-rank Reuter organ (Op. 367, ca. 1929) is being dismantled, most of the pipes being taken by Reuter, and the console removed. The Hill Hall Auditorium is slated to undergo renovation, and apparently, from what I heard, the Reuter had no place in the new plans. It seems sad ... but then again, I can understand why that decision was made. It's not a teaching instrument. It's very much a symphonic instrument. Several of us had the opportunity to play the organ last night. This was kind of a swan song of sorts for Op. 367. It's obvious the organ had not been well cared for or maintained for a very long time. But it was still neat to play this piece of history. I was taken on an organ crawl, and saw the pipes, the bellows, etc. There's some neat stuff on this organ - the chimes, the harp, among other things. There looked to be the name of every instrument you might be able to find in an orchestra on the stop knobs, and it was pretty neat to see the pipes to go along with them. Tuba mirabilis, for example. Yes, it was very tuba. The only thing I didn't see was the Echo chamber - it was built toward the back of the auditorium, in the ceiling.
Frankly speaking, I was quite surprised to learn the organ was just going to be taken away and essentially dismantled and disposed. I wondered, why couldn't they have thought of the Organ Clearing House - surely, they would have been happy to have taken the Reuter off of the Music Department's hands?
I don't know the story of the decision behind this organ's demise ... there was quite a bit of emotion flowing in that room last night, especially as a friend of mine played a few "farewell" type of hymns and songs ... The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (ST. CLEMENT), Day Is Done (AR HYD Y NOS), Auld Lang Syne ... by the time he got to Auld Lang Syne, there were some tears flowing in the room.
This seems to me to signal the end of an era, as far as the Organ Music program at UNC is concerned. I don't have any feelings one way or the other toward Op. 367 as I never really got to know it well. I would hope that whatever organ The Powers That Be decide to install in the new Hill Hall Auditorium will be able to serve the university for teaching, as well as performance, for years and years to come.
UPDATE, 9/29/2007
Well, this is interesting. After having returned from the Central NC AGO Chapter's Members' Recital and meeting, I went to UUMC for a bit of practicing (I do not want to make a fool of myself come October 30!!!!!!!!) when I noticed, parked in front of Hill Hall is a huge lorrie. What's on the side of the lorrie? Reuter's logo and other assorted info. So it's official. I'm sure that lorrie is holding whatever pipes it was the company wanted to take back.
So it's true: Op. 367 is no more.
I chatted with a couple of people who know a little more about the history of the Reuter. It sustained heavy damage, thanks to leakage problems and other related building problems. (Hill Hall needs some major help, and at least it will get it once its renovation gets underway.) Op. 367 was designed specifically for Hill Hall, and both were built around the same time (1929'ish or so). It's a shame that it fell into disrepair and general neglect. Unfortunately, even if time were to have been spent to get the instrument back in a playable condition, it would have been cost prohibitive to have done so, given the extensive damage the instrument suffered.
So with a little more background, I can understand why there was a push to get rid of the Reuter. The people with whom I chatted were unaware that today was the day of Reuter Removal. One of them remarked, "It's about time they got rid of it." It's sad. I'm sure if the organ did not suffer the damage that it did, and even if it had been maintained regularly and religiously, then it probably would have still been in a good, playable condition today. With a few modifications, it might have even been a good teaching instrument. But alas, general neglect and extensive damage has rendered the 78 year old Reuter unplayable.
Op. 367, it was a pleasure to make your brief acquaintance. May the memories of all the music you've made in the past be pleasant and sweet. Good night ...
Frankly speaking, I was quite surprised to learn the organ was just going to be taken away and essentially dismantled and disposed. I wondered, why couldn't they have thought of the Organ Clearing House - surely, they would have been happy to have taken the Reuter off of the Music Department's hands?
I don't know the story of the decision behind this organ's demise ... there was quite a bit of emotion flowing in that room last night, especially as a friend of mine played a few "farewell" type of hymns and songs ... The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (ST. CLEMENT), Day Is Done (AR HYD Y NOS), Auld Lang Syne ... by the time he got to Auld Lang Syne, there were some tears flowing in the room.
This seems to me to signal the end of an era, as far as the Organ Music program at UNC is concerned. I don't have any feelings one way or the other toward Op. 367 as I never really got to know it well. I would hope that whatever organ The Powers That Be decide to install in the new Hill Hall Auditorium will be able to serve the university for teaching, as well as performance, for years and years to come.
UPDATE, 9/29/2007
Well, this is interesting. After having returned from the Central NC AGO Chapter's Members' Recital and meeting, I went to UUMC for a bit of practicing (I do not want to make a fool of myself come October 30!!!!!!!!) when I noticed, parked in front of Hill Hall is a huge lorrie. What's on the side of the lorrie? Reuter's logo and other assorted info. So it's official. I'm sure that lorrie is holding whatever pipes it was the company wanted to take back.
So it's true: Op. 367 is no more.
I chatted with a couple of people who know a little more about the history of the Reuter. It sustained heavy damage, thanks to leakage problems and other related building problems. (Hill Hall needs some major help, and at least it will get it once its renovation gets underway.) Op. 367 was designed specifically for Hill Hall, and both were built around the same time (1929'ish or so). It's a shame that it fell into disrepair and general neglect. Unfortunately, even if time were to have been spent to get the instrument back in a playable condition, it would have been cost prohibitive to have done so, given the extensive damage the instrument suffered.
So with a little more background, I can understand why there was a push to get rid of the Reuter. The people with whom I chatted were unaware that today was the day of Reuter Removal. One of them remarked, "It's about time they got rid of it." It's sad. I'm sure if the organ did not suffer the damage that it did, and even if it had been maintained regularly and religiously, then it probably would have still been in a good, playable condition today. With a few modifications, it might have even been a good teaching instrument. But alas, general neglect and extensive damage has rendered the 78 year old Reuter unplayable.
Op. 367, it was a pleasure to make your brief acquaintance. May the memories of all the music you've made in the past be pleasant and sweet. Good night ...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Moeser Steps Down in June
What has been churning in the rumour mill was made official yesterday afternoon: UNC Chapel Hill's Chancellor James Moeser will be leaving office, effective June 30, 2008, which marks the end of the current Fiscal Year.
Frankly speaking, it's no surprise. I still remember at one of the Postdoctoral events that took place in the Carolina Inn, as we were standing next to photos of current and former chancellors of UNC, a couple of my fellow postdocs were speculating that Moeser was going to be leaving his position soon. My thought, which I didn't share with them - if he leaves at all, it will probably be in 2008. I did not elaborate why, however. (And I won't elaborate publicly now.)
Last night, I was at a friend's place when he received a phone call from his father, stating that Chancellor Moeser was going to step down as Chancellor. As soon as he got off the phone, he turned to me and said, "Lyn, you were right - Dr. Moeser will be leaving office at the end of the school year."
We knew that the Moesers purchased a home off of Rosemary Street in Chapel Hill, which added fuel to the speculation, but gave a strong indication that they may stay in the area. It certainly gave some hope to the organ students in the area, as James' wife Susan is a Professor of Organ in the Music Department.
After I left my friend's place, I checked my email, and sure enough, there was, waiting in my mbox, the message that was sent to UNC Faculty, Staff and Students, announcing his decision to step down as Chancellor.
I believe he leaves a good legacy in his 8 years or so as Chancellor. Carolina North, Carolina Covenant, among others ... he's also had his share of controversy as well. I still remember when he assigned as reading for the incoming Freshman Class a book about the Qur'an. There were protests ... lawsuits ... friends at Chapel of the Cross (where the Moesers are members) tell me that a couple of angry people were accusing James of being an atheist. James was telling them that he is a member at Chapel of the Cross, and that he serves as a Lector there, and is asked from time to time to lead discussions during the Adult Education hour in between the 9.00 am and 11.15 am services ... and yet, these people, who did not seem to listen to a single word James was saying, continued on with their harangues. I really admired James more after hearing about that.
I have my "I met the Chancellor" story, which my friends think is awfully cute. James is also a former concert organist as well. One Sunday afternoon, I was practicing on the Kleuker at Chapel of the Cross. Susan peeked her head in, hoping to get practice time on the instrument. I was ready to yield to her at that instant, but she said, rather kindly, "Oh, but you need to practice, too." So I asked her what time it was, and she told me 2.15 pm. I responded that I needed to get somewhere, and if she wouldn't mind kicking me off the organ at 3.00 pm, that would be great.
So she returned at 3.00 pm, this time, accompanied by her husband, James. I had just been assigned the Prelude from Langlais' Suite Médiévale, so you can imagine just how badly that sounded. Despite that, Susan was still able to identify what piece I was butchering at that point. I admitted to her that I had only been working on that piece for one week, and that it sounded like a bunch of pitches to me. Susan said, in response, "Spend some time with it, and I'm sure it will be sounding like music in no time." James, who was standing nearby, had this huge grin on his face, and he was nodding his head in agreement. Then, Susan said, "Oh, by the way Lyn, have you met my husband? This is Jim, Jim, this is Lyn, one of Tim Baker's organ students."
So we shook hands, and goofy, awkward, nerdy me, said, "Hi, Jim, it's great to meet you; I've heard so much about you." James, ever the gracious one, just smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." We had seen each other around, and he knows I sing with the Senior Choir, and also go to most of the organ-related events in the Triangle and Triad areas. So it was cool to have finally met him in person.
Frankly speaking, it's no surprise. I still remember at one of the Postdoctoral events that took place in the Carolina Inn, as we were standing next to photos of current and former chancellors of UNC, a couple of my fellow postdocs were speculating that Moeser was going to be leaving his position soon. My thought, which I didn't share with them - if he leaves at all, it will probably be in 2008. I did not elaborate why, however. (And I won't elaborate publicly now.)
Last night, I was at a friend's place when he received a phone call from his father, stating that Chancellor Moeser was going to step down as Chancellor. As soon as he got off the phone, he turned to me and said, "Lyn, you were right - Dr. Moeser will be leaving office at the end of the school year."
We knew that the Moesers purchased a home off of Rosemary Street in Chapel Hill, which added fuel to the speculation, but gave a strong indication that they may stay in the area. It certainly gave some hope to the organ students in the area, as James' wife Susan is a Professor of Organ in the Music Department.
After I left my friend's place, I checked my email, and sure enough, there was, waiting in my mbox, the message that was sent to UNC Faculty, Staff and Students, announcing his decision to step down as Chancellor.
I believe he leaves a good legacy in his 8 years or so as Chancellor. Carolina North, Carolina Covenant, among others ... he's also had his share of controversy as well. I still remember when he assigned as reading for the incoming Freshman Class a book about the Qur'an. There were protests ... lawsuits ... friends at Chapel of the Cross (where the Moesers are members) tell me that a couple of angry people were accusing James of being an atheist. James was telling them that he is a member at Chapel of the Cross, and that he serves as a Lector there, and is asked from time to time to lead discussions during the Adult Education hour in between the 9.00 am and 11.15 am services ... and yet, these people, who did not seem to listen to a single word James was saying, continued on with their harangues. I really admired James more after hearing about that.
I have my "I met the Chancellor" story, which my friends think is awfully cute. James is also a former concert organist as well. One Sunday afternoon, I was practicing on the Kleuker at Chapel of the Cross. Susan peeked her head in, hoping to get practice time on the instrument. I was ready to yield to her at that instant, but she said, rather kindly, "Oh, but you need to practice, too." So I asked her what time it was, and she told me 2.15 pm. I responded that I needed to get somewhere, and if she wouldn't mind kicking me off the organ at 3.00 pm, that would be great.
So she returned at 3.00 pm, this time, accompanied by her husband, James. I had just been assigned the Prelude from Langlais' Suite Médiévale, so you can imagine just how badly that sounded. Despite that, Susan was still able to identify what piece I was butchering at that point. I admitted to her that I had only been working on that piece for one week, and that it sounded like a bunch of pitches to me. Susan said, in response, "Spend some time with it, and I'm sure it will be sounding like music in no time." James, who was standing nearby, had this huge grin on his face, and he was nodding his head in agreement. Then, Susan said, "Oh, by the way Lyn, have you met my husband? This is Jim, Jim, this is Lyn, one of Tim Baker's organ students."
So we shook hands, and goofy, awkward, nerdy me, said, "Hi, Jim, it's great to meet you; I've heard so much about you." James, ever the gracious one, just smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." We had seen each other around, and he knows I sing with the Senior Choir, and also go to most of the organ-related events in the Triangle and Triad areas. So it was cool to have finally met him in person.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Chabanel Psalms: An Interview with Jeffrey Ostrowski
This comes from the latest (October 2007) online edition of the Adoremus Bulletin. This is a really nice interview with the composer of the Chabanel Psalms, Jeffrey Ostrowski.
Hat tip to Joe D., who initially posted this at the RPInet Forums.
The Chabanel Psalms: An Interview with Jeffrey Ostrowski
Hat tip to Joe D., who initially posted this at the RPInet Forums.
The Chabanel Psalms: An Interview with Jeffrey Ostrowski
Monday, September 24, 2007
Music for 30 September - Ordinary 26
I' ve drawn the Cantoring Duties at the 7.45 am Mass for this coming Sunday. Numbers are from Gather Comprehensive (1994; green cover).
September 30: Ordinary 26 (Sun. 7.45 am)
Gloria: Lee
Alleluia: Murray; verses to Tone VIII-g
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass
Pro: 646 I heard the voice of Jesus say (KINGSFOLD)
Psalm: Ps 146, Ostrowski (from the Chabanel Responsorial Psalm Project)
Off: 648 There is a balm in Gilead (BALM IN GILEAD)
Comm: Organ Voluntary
Re: 681 Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service, vs. 1 & 4 (IN BABILONE)
September 30: Ordinary 26 (Sun. 7.45 am)
Gloria: Lee
Alleluia: Murray; verses to Tone VIII-g
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass
Pro: 646 I heard the voice of Jesus say (KINGSFOLD)
Psalm: Ps 146, Ostrowski (from the Chabanel Responsorial Psalm Project)
Off: 648 There is a balm in Gilead (BALM IN GILEAD)
Comm: Organ Voluntary
Re: 681 Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service, vs. 1 & 4 (IN BABILONE)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Music for 23 September - Ordinary 25
I'm drawing the Cantoring Duties at the 7.45 am Mass for the next two Sundays. Numbers are from Gather Comprehensive (1994; green cover).
Here's the list for this coming Sunday:
September 23: Ordinary 25 (Sun. 7.45 am)
Gloria: Lee
Alleluia: Murray; verses to Tone VIII-g
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass
Pro: 741 God Is Here! As We, His People (ABBOT'S LEIGH)
Psalm: Ps 113, Ostrowski (from the Chabanel Responsorial Psalm Project)
Off: 771 Jerusalem, My Happy Home (LAND OF REST)
Comm: Organ Voluntary
Re: 615 Seek Ye First
Here's the list for this coming Sunday:
September 23: Ordinary 25 (Sun. 7.45 am)
Gloria: Lee
Alleluia: Murray; verses to Tone VIII-g
Sanctus, Mem. Accl., Amen, Agnus Dei: Community Mass
Pro: 741 God Is Here! As We, His People (ABBOT'S LEIGH)
Psalm: Ps 113, Ostrowski (from the Chabanel Responsorial Psalm Project)
Off: 771 Jerusalem, My Happy Home (LAND OF REST)
Comm: Organ Voluntary
Re: 615 Seek Ye First
Solemn Evensong for the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels
Shameless Plug Alert!!!
The Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 7:00 PM
The Senior Choir of the Chapel of the Cross
Dr. Wylie S. Quinn, III, Organist and Choirmaster
The Chapel of the Cross
304 E. Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Please forward this to AGO rosters and other interested persons. Thank you.
The Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 7:00 PM
- Collegium Regale – Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by Herbert Howells
- Evening Hymn (Te lucis ante terminum) by H. Balfour Gardiner
- Factum est silentium by Richard Dering
- Carillon pour Orgue, Tu es Petra by Henri Mulet
The Senior Choir of the Chapel of the Cross
Dr. Wylie S. Quinn, III, Organist and Choirmaster
The Chapel of the Cross
304 E. Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Please forward this to AGO rosters and other interested persons. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The coolest Birthday Present!
The other day, I received a package in the mail. It was a Belated Birthday Present from my brother and my sister-in-law. They got me a couple of tote bags with the cutest designs. According to Grace: "Your blog was the inspiration for the gift."
One tote bag reads "happiness is being an organist," while the other has a test tube, and the words, "they let me play with chemicals." (BTW - they got this from Cafepress.com, which looks like a cool place to get the most unique items.)
Very very cute, and I think they've pegged me very, very well! Thanks, Jojo, Grace, Richie, Jacob, and Ella!

One tote bag reads "happiness is being an organist," while the other has a test tube, and the words, "they let me play with chemicals." (BTW - they got this from Cafepress.com, which looks like a cool place to get the most unique items.)
Very very cute, and I think they've pegged me very, very well! Thanks, Jojo, Grace, Richie, Jacob, and Ella!

Christopher Jacobson - Concert Program
Christopher Jacobson, Organ Scholar at Washington National Cathedral, gave an organ recital at St Stephen's Episcopal Church in Durham last Sunday, 16 September, as part of the Concerts at St. Stephen's Series. He gave a really nice program, which is another "Music Under the Influence" type of program, that really fit the 3-manual, 47-rank Flentrop organ very well.
Mr. Jacobson spoke in between pieces, and explained them very well. I thought it was very interesting indeed to hear pieces from composers who influenced the work of Bach. It was a nice contrast to Dr. Fishell's recital from a couple of weeks ago, where she played pieces from composers who were influenced by Bach. Very enjoyable afternoon. He is a young organist, and I'm sure he will go far in his career.
- Charles Racquet: Fantaisie
- Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Mein Junges Leben hat ein end
- Nicolas de Grigny: Veni Creator:
- En Taille à 5
- Fugue à 5
- Duo
- Récit de Cromorne
- Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux
- Johann Pachelbel: Hexachordum Apollinis: Aria Sebaldina
- Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV 532
Mr. Jacobson spoke in between pieces, and explained them very well. I thought it was very interesting indeed to hear pieces from composers who influenced the work of Bach. It was a nice contrast to Dr. Fishell's recital from a couple of weeks ago, where she played pieces from composers who were influenced by Bach. Very enjoyable afternoon. He is a young organist, and I'm sure he will go far in his career.
Cool homily
This past Sunday 16 September, at the 7.45 am Mass at Immaculate Conception (Roman Catholic) Church in downtown Durham, Fr. Jacek Orzechowski delivered a brilliant homily on the theme of forgiveness. We actually heard the long form of the Gospel (Lk 15:1-32), so we heard about the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost (Prodigal) Son.
The bit I liked the most? The story of the beggar and the stone. I can't recall who was the original author of this story; Fr. Jacek mentioned it. Russian author, I think. Anyway - a poor man was begging a rich man for some bread. The rich man threw a stone at the beggar and went away. The beggar took the stone, placed it in his bag, and vowed to keep the stone until the day he met the rich man again so he could throw it in the man's face.
Approximately 20 years pass. The rich man has fallen into trouble, and for his crimes, he was thrown in prison. The beggar noticed a man, shackled in chains, and recognised the prisoner as the rich man who had thrown a stone at him when he was begging for bread so many years before. He ran up to the man, reached into his bag to get the stone, and was ready to throw it in the prisoner's face, when he realised it was foolish to do this, and that it was foolish of him to have harboured these feelings of revenge all these years. So he dropped the stone, and went on his way.
I think it's a nice story, telling us that there is no point to hold on to the baggage, and that one should be willing to forgive others.
The bit I liked the most? The story of the beggar and the stone. I can't recall who was the original author of this story; Fr. Jacek mentioned it. Russian author, I think. Anyway - a poor man was begging a rich man for some bread. The rich man threw a stone at the beggar and went away. The beggar took the stone, placed it in his bag, and vowed to keep the stone until the day he met the rich man again so he could throw it in the man's face.
Approximately 20 years pass. The rich man has fallen into trouble, and for his crimes, he was thrown in prison. The beggar noticed a man, shackled in chains, and recognised the prisoner as the rich man who had thrown a stone at him when he was begging for bread so many years before. He ran up to the man, reached into his bag to get the stone, and was ready to throw it in the prisoner's face, when he realised it was foolish to do this, and that it was foolish of him to have harboured these feelings of revenge all these years. So he dropped the stone, and went on his way.
I think it's a nice story, telling us that there is no point to hold on to the baggage, and that one should be willing to forgive others.
Mass in Forma extraordinaria - Exaltation of the Holy Cross
I'm blogging on this a little late, but as they say, better late than never.
Last Friday evening (14 September), to celebrate both the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, as well as the Implementation of the Motu propio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI, a Missa Cantata was offered in Forma extraordinaria at Sacred Heart Parish in Dunn, NC. Music featured was Mozart's Mass in C Major (Coronation Mass).
I'm very sorry that I came late; I thought I should have been able to get there in plenty of time if I left 2 hours before Mass. For a trip that should have taken around 1h 30m or thereabouts from Chapel Hill, it took me 2.5 hours to get there, thanks to heavy traffic in Apex, heavy rains that cut visibility to a few feet in front of me, and tornadic activity in the areas where I would be passing through. But I made it.
Sacred Heart is a small church - the sanctuary seats ca. 160 in the nave, and it looks like at least another 15-20 might be accommodated up in the loft (although I suspect they would be those connected with the choir and instrumentalists). There was absolutely no room inside the nave: people were standing in the side aisles, and packed standing in the back of the church (there wasn't really a separate narthex, unless you consider the part of the church that constitutes the entrance, right behind the stairs leading to the loft). In addition, there were at least 40 people standing outside - audio of the Mass was piped to speakers outside of the church. What really struck me was the age of the people who went - a good number (maybe a little more than 50% of those at the Mass) were approximately undergrad- to graduate student aged. There were quite a few people there high school age and younger as well. Not as much older people, who would have been old enough to remember the Tridentine Mass, I'd say probably around 25%-30%, if that. I think there were at least 5 priests vested in cassock and surplice in addition to the Celebrant, the Pastor of Sacred Heart, Fr. Paul Parkerson, and the Homilist, Bishop Michael Burbidge, Bishop of the Diocese of Raleigh. The altar servers/acolytes appeared to be of at least older elementary to early high school age. I think there were at least 5-6 of them, and they all looked like they really wanted to be there.
What impressed me, from my point of view of being outside (and hoping that the raging lightning storm would not bring the rain drops until the magic words, "Ite Missa est" were chanted), was the absolute reverence of the others standing outside. No one was talking, and everyone was paying attention to what was being said. There was a printed Order of Worship, that included the Rubrics for Attending the High Mass (tells you when to stand, kneel, sit, etc., so those who are not familiar with the Mass may participate fully), the Proper Prayers of the Mass, the Readings (which were proclaimed in English), and the words to the hymn: "Long Live the Pope!" (words by Rt. Rev. Msgr. High T. Henry, Litt. D.; music by D.H.G. Ganss), which may be found in the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book. Music was provided by members of Chapel Hill's St. Thomas More Choir, directed by Roger Petrich, with Sacred Heart's organist Michael Wimberly at the console. Members of the orchestra were not identified, so I'm not sure where they came from.
I was quite moved by the Mass - it seemed to me that this is what a Catholic Mass is supposed to be like. It also gave me a better understanding of how some of the great Masses composed by the likes of Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Vierne, etc. came to be. Everything seemed to fit so well. (Of course, singing under Dr. Van Quinn also made me very sensitive to the pitfalls of the effects a very very heavy vibrato, especially from the soprano section, may have on ensemble singing. Oof! it was a huge distraction from the music! So too was the consistent flatness, pitch-wise, of the choir. To be fair, it may have been the speaker system that distorted that ...) Bishop Burbidge's homily was brilliant - this is the third time I've heard him deliver a homily, and he certainly doesn't disappoint, he is an excellent homilist. He emphasized unity - how when we celebrate the Eucharist, we are united as one body, brothers and sisters in Christ. And that was the theme of his homily, that lasted for a little under 10 minutes.
Interestingly enough - I experienced something similar from the Anglican point of view. I subbed at an Anglican Catholic church, where they celebrate their Eucharist according to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. My sense of that: very much Museum Liturgy-like. Not much engagement from the people in the pews; from my vantage point on the organ bench, it looked like they were pretty much doing their own thing, except when it was time for them to sing, then they sang. Not so with the PIPs at Sacred Heart. People (at least outside) were paying close attention, following along in the printed Order of Worship, responding at the appropriate places. I was very impressed by the participation of the people - they knew how to respond back, chanting in Latin, at the appropriate places. When I went inside for Communion, people were paying attention to what was going on during the Mass, and they were not doing their own thing.
To be honest, I never heard of this Mass until I started frequenting the RPInet boards. After having experienced it, I can understand why people seek out the Tridentine Mass (now the Extraordinary Form of the Mass). Dunn is a little too far for me to travel, plus I have conflicts that would prevent me from experiencing this on a regular basis (they are now going to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Mass every Sunday at noon), but definitely, when I'm travelling, or at home in San Diego, I would definitely seek out this Mass and attend.
At the reception, where cake and a ton of food was served, as we were waiting in the queue to sign a guest book, Bishop Burbidge was greeting everyone. He shook everyone's hand, and spoke briefly to all in the queue. The people in front of me wanted their picture taken with the Bishop, to which he gracefully obliged. When he got to me, I expressed disappointment that I came late and had to stand outside, thanks to traffic, heavy rains, and tornadic activity. He said the traffic and rain themes were those he heard from everyone (seems like most of who went to this came in from Raleigh, about 30+ miles to the north of Dunn), but he hadn't heard of the tornadoes. But he expressed relief that I made it there safely, and wished me a safe drive back to Durham (a shorter drive than the one I made from Chapel Hill). He is so nice! I noticed a Bishop Burbidge Fan Club in Facebook; I just might check that out ...
I chatted with a few others in the reception. There was a definite relief that the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be made more readily available in the Diocese of Raleigh. A couple of women told me they felt like they've finally come home and were rejoicing in that. They said that after the Novus Ordo in English was implemented, they felt lost, and resentful that the Tridentine Mass was taken away from them. They left the Catholic Church over that. One of them found the SSPX church and started going to Mass there.
This past Sunday, I tried to share my experiences with this Mass with my Faith Sharing group, but they did not want to hear about it at all. They were all old enough to have experienced the Tridentine Mass, and they all condemned it. I couldn't understand why. Their answer, and a very unanimous one at that, surprised me. It's not the ritual of the Mass they objected to - they said it's a beautiful Mass, but it's the association of the Mass that they hated. They did ask me what the relative ages of the people who attended the Mass was. They were extremely surprised when I said it was SRO inside, with an overflow crowd outside. They were even more so surprised when I told them that a good majority of the crowd was born well after Vatican II happened. One of them said, "Well, perhaps it's a good thing it's making a comeback. At least you young people can enjoy this Mass without any of the baggage that we associate this Mass with."
Sorry for going on and on here, but I definitely wanted to share my experience with this Mass.
Pax vobiscum.
Last Friday evening (14 September), to celebrate both the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, as well as the Implementation of the Motu propio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI, a Missa Cantata was offered in Forma extraordinaria at Sacred Heart Parish in Dunn, NC. Music featured was Mozart's Mass in C Major (Coronation Mass).
I'm very sorry that I came late; I thought I should have been able to get there in plenty of time if I left 2 hours before Mass. For a trip that should have taken around 1h 30m or thereabouts from Chapel Hill, it took me 2.5 hours to get there, thanks to heavy traffic in Apex, heavy rains that cut visibility to a few feet in front of me, and tornadic activity in the areas where I would be passing through. But I made it.
Sacred Heart is a small church - the sanctuary seats ca. 160 in the nave, and it looks like at least another 15-20 might be accommodated up in the loft (although I suspect they would be those connected with the choir and instrumentalists). There was absolutely no room inside the nave: people were standing in the side aisles, and packed standing in the back of the church (there wasn't really a separate narthex, unless you consider the part of the church that constitutes the entrance, right behind the stairs leading to the loft). In addition, there were at least 40 people standing outside - audio of the Mass was piped to speakers outside of the church. What really struck me was the age of the people who went - a good number (maybe a little more than 50% of those at the Mass) were approximately undergrad- to graduate student aged. There were quite a few people there high school age and younger as well. Not as much older people, who would have been old enough to remember the Tridentine Mass, I'd say probably around 25%-30%, if that. I think there were at least 5 priests vested in cassock and surplice in addition to the Celebrant, the Pastor of Sacred Heart, Fr. Paul Parkerson, and the Homilist, Bishop Michael Burbidge, Bishop of the Diocese of Raleigh. The altar servers/acolytes appeared to be of at least older elementary to early high school age. I think there were at least 5-6 of them, and they all looked like they really wanted to be there.
What impressed me, from my point of view of being outside (and hoping that the raging lightning storm would not bring the rain drops until the magic words, "Ite Missa est" were chanted), was the absolute reverence of the others standing outside. No one was talking, and everyone was paying attention to what was being said. There was a printed Order of Worship, that included the Rubrics for Attending the High Mass (tells you when to stand, kneel, sit, etc., so those who are not familiar with the Mass may participate fully), the Proper Prayers of the Mass, the Readings (which were proclaimed in English), and the words to the hymn: "Long Live the Pope!" (words by Rt. Rev. Msgr. High T. Henry, Litt. D.; music by D.H.G. Ganss), which may be found in the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book. Music was provided by members of Chapel Hill's St. Thomas More Choir, directed by Roger Petrich, with Sacred Heart's organist Michael Wimberly at the console. Members of the orchestra were not identified, so I'm not sure where they came from.
I was quite moved by the Mass - it seemed to me that this is what a Catholic Mass is supposed to be like. It also gave me a better understanding of how some of the great Masses composed by the likes of Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Vierne, etc. came to be. Everything seemed to fit so well. (Of course, singing under Dr. Van Quinn also made me very sensitive to the pitfalls of the effects a very very heavy vibrato, especially from the soprano section, may have on ensemble singing. Oof! it was a huge distraction from the music! So too was the consistent flatness, pitch-wise, of the choir. To be fair, it may have been the speaker system that distorted that ...) Bishop Burbidge's homily was brilliant - this is the third time I've heard him deliver a homily, and he certainly doesn't disappoint, he is an excellent homilist. He emphasized unity - how when we celebrate the Eucharist, we are united as one body, brothers and sisters in Christ. And that was the theme of his homily, that lasted for a little under 10 minutes.
Interestingly enough - I experienced something similar from the Anglican point of view. I subbed at an Anglican Catholic church, where they celebrate their Eucharist according to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. My sense of that: very much Museum Liturgy-like. Not much engagement from the people in the pews; from my vantage point on the organ bench, it looked like they were pretty much doing their own thing, except when it was time for them to sing, then they sang. Not so with the PIPs at Sacred Heart. People (at least outside) were paying close attention, following along in the printed Order of Worship, responding at the appropriate places. I was very impressed by the participation of the people - they knew how to respond back, chanting in Latin, at the appropriate places. When I went inside for Communion, people were paying attention to what was going on during the Mass, and they were not doing their own thing.
To be honest, I never heard of this Mass until I started frequenting the RPInet boards. After having experienced it, I can understand why people seek out the Tridentine Mass (now the Extraordinary Form of the Mass). Dunn is a little too far for me to travel, plus I have conflicts that would prevent me from experiencing this on a regular basis (they are now going to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Mass every Sunday at noon), but definitely, when I'm travelling, or at home in San Diego, I would definitely seek out this Mass and attend.
At the reception, where cake and a ton of food was served, as we were waiting in the queue to sign a guest book, Bishop Burbidge was greeting everyone. He shook everyone's hand, and spoke briefly to all in the queue. The people in front of me wanted their picture taken with the Bishop, to which he gracefully obliged. When he got to me, I expressed disappointment that I came late and had to stand outside, thanks to traffic, heavy rains, and tornadic activity. He said the traffic and rain themes were those he heard from everyone (seems like most of who went to this came in from Raleigh, about 30+ miles to the north of Dunn), but he hadn't heard of the tornadoes. But he expressed relief that I made it there safely, and wished me a safe drive back to Durham (a shorter drive than the one I made from Chapel Hill). He is so nice! I noticed a Bishop Burbidge Fan Club in Facebook; I just might check that out ...
I chatted with a few others in the reception. There was a definite relief that the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be made more readily available in the Diocese of Raleigh. A couple of women told me they felt like they've finally come home and were rejoicing in that. They said that after the Novus Ordo in English was implemented, they felt lost, and resentful that the Tridentine Mass was taken away from them. They left the Catholic Church over that. One of them found the SSPX church and started going to Mass there.
This past Sunday, I tried to share my experiences with this Mass with my Faith Sharing group, but they did not want to hear about it at all. They were all old enough to have experienced the Tridentine Mass, and they all condemned it. I couldn't understand why. Their answer, and a very unanimous one at that, surprised me. It's not the ritual of the Mass they objected to - they said it's a beautiful Mass, but it's the association of the Mass that they hated. They did ask me what the relative ages of the people who attended the Mass was. They were extremely surprised when I said it was SRO inside, with an overflow crowd outside. They were even more so surprised when I told them that a good majority of the crowd was born well after Vatican II happened. One of them said, "Well, perhaps it's a good thing it's making a comeback. At least you young people can enjoy this Mass without any of the baggage that we associate this Mass with."
Sorry for going on and on here, but I definitely wanted to share my experience with this Mass.
Pax vobiscum.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Dear Lord and Father of All Mankind (A Parody)
Hat tip to Brian Michael Page over at Christus Vincit. Original Source: Joe S., who posts regularly on the RPInet Boards. This is hilarious! Think of Parry's REPTON as you read this.
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways;
For most of us, when asked our mind, admit we still most pleasure find
In hymns of ancient days, in hymns of ancient days.
The simple lyrics, for a start, of many a modern song
Are far too trite to touch the heart; enshrine no poetry, no art;
And go on much too long, and go on much too long.
O, for a rest from jollity and syncopated praise!
What happened to tranquillity? The silence of eternity
Is hard to hear these days, is hard to hear these days.
Drop Thy still dews of quietness till all our strummings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress of always having to be blessed;
Give us a bit of peace, give us a bit of peace.
Breathe through the beats of praise-guitar Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let drum be dumb, bring back the lyre, enough of earthquake, wind and fire,
Let's hear it for some calm, let's hear it for some calm.
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways;
For most of us, when asked our mind, admit we still most pleasure find
In hymns of ancient days, in hymns of ancient days.
The simple lyrics, for a start, of many a modern song
Are far too trite to touch the heart; enshrine no poetry, no art;
And go on much too long, and go on much too long.
O, for a rest from jollity and syncopated praise!
What happened to tranquillity? The silence of eternity
Is hard to hear these days, is hard to hear these days.
Drop Thy still dews of quietness till all our strummings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress of always having to be blessed;
Give us a bit of peace, give us a bit of peace.
Breathe through the beats of praise-guitar Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let drum be dumb, bring back the lyre, enough of earthquake, wind and fire,
Let's hear it for some calm, let's hear it for some calm.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
My First Post!
Greetings and Salutations!
I decided to post my blogs in this medium, so I will be transferring the blog that I started on my Myspace page to here. My blogs will still be available on both my Myspace and Facebook pages, however.
Thus far, I've blogged primarily on my musical endeavours (hence the play on the name of my blog), but as far as I'm concerned, anything goes.
I hope you enjoy your stay ...
I decided to post my blogs in this medium, so I will be transferring the blog that I started on my Myspace page to here. My blogs will still be available on both my Myspace and Facebook pages, however.
Thus far, I've blogged primarily on my musical endeavours (hence the play on the name of my blog), but as far as I'm concerned, anything goes.
I hope you enjoy your stay ...
Janette Fishell - Concert Program
Janette Fishell gave an organ recital at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Greenville last night. She titled her program: "Music under the influence ... masterpieces inspired by masterpieces"
The instrument: a very beautiful 3-manual, 57-rank Fisk (Op. 126).
It was a very enjoyable recital. Many thanks to Tom Bloom and Mike Hugo for letting me know about the Fisk on Fourth series!
The instrument: a very beautiful 3-manual, 57-rank Fisk (Op. 126).
- Buxtehude: Prealudium in f-sharp minor, BuxWV 146
- Bach: Chorale Prelude: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 662
- Bach: Prelude and Fugue in a minor, BWV 543
- R. Schumann: Mit sanften Stimmen (from 6 Fugues on BACH, Op. 60, No. 3)
- Liszt: Prelude and Fugue on BACH
- Widor: Symphonie VI in g minor, Op. 42:
- I. Allegro
- II. Adagio
- III. Intermezzo
- IV. Cantabile
- V. Finale
- Krebs: Wir glauben all an einem Gott
It was a very enjoyable recital. Many thanks to Tom Bloom and Mike Hugo for letting me know about the Fisk on Fourth series!
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