Compline at Chapel of the Cross.
We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd.
Here are our little additions:
Lord, for Thy tender mercy's sake (Farrant)
Psalms 91 and 134 (chanted to Tone 8)
Hymn: To you before the close of day (TE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM, Mode 8)
Lord's Prayer (Robert Stone)
Nunc Dimittis from Short Service (O. Gibbons)
Alma Redemptoris Mater (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria (Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Wir glauben all an einen Gott (BWV 680; J.S. Bach), Jason Pace, organ
Since Van and the Senior Choir were participating in an organ recital and Choral Evensong at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Charlotte, Lewis Moore was asked to direct the choir. I had Jason sub for me at St. Joseph's when I was in Florida, so it was truly a treat to hear him play.
This is the last Sunday we'll be singing Alma Redemptoris Mater as Candlemas comes up this week. We'll be switching to Ave Regina Cælorum next Sunday, and we'll be chanting that Marian Antiphon until Holy Thursday (really, Palm Sunday as that will be the last Sunday we'll be chanting it).
Van is seeking suggestions for the post-Compline organ improvisations. Feel free to send him your suggestions via the comm box below (or if you're reading this in Facebook, leave a comment). Even better, if you're Facebook friends with Van, either PM him or write on his wall your suggestions. :)
(Note: the picture above depicts one of the votive candle layouts that Jimmy Satterwhite had laid out a couple of years ago. I can't remember where the picture came from, though.)