Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 April - Palm Sunday

Goodness, we are in Holy Week already!!!

To start off, my lists. You'll notice that the slate of music for both St Joseph's and Chapel of the Cross remain essentially unchanged from last year's lists with the exception of the choir anthems for both places.

With that ... the lists.

My turn for cantoring came up at Immaculate Conception. Any numbers you see come out of GIA's Gather Comprehensive 1994 (green cover).

Sunday 7.45 am Mass: Palm Sunday
Hymn in Procession: 402, All glory, laud, and honor (ST THEODULPH)
Psalm: 29, Psalm 22, (antiphon by Haugen; verses set to Tone VIII)
Gospel Acclamation: 160-A, Mass of Creation (M Haugen)
Offertory: 415, O Sacred Head surrounded (PASSION CHORALE)
Sanctus: 180, People's Mass
Mem. Accl., Amen: 181-182, Danish Amen Mass
Agnus Dei: 184, Agnus Dei XVIII (in English)
Communion: Hymnal 1982 162, The royal banners forward go (VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT, plainsong Mode I; chanted as a solo)
Postlude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen, BWV 727 (J.S. Bach)

It seemed to have gone over well, despite my lack of proper breath support and such. Sigh. Perhaps I should work on my singing as well. Ever since I stopped being a regular part of a choir, my singing has deteriorated. My constant bouts with cold and laryngitis certainly hasn't helped me either. :(

Moving right along ...

St. Joseph's Episcopal Church where I played the usual 10.30 am service. As usual, the numbers are out of The Hymnal 1982.

Palm Sunday: Holy Eucharist Rite II
Prelude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen (J. Brahms, Op. 122, No. 9)

At the Blessing of the Psalms:
Psalm: 157 Psalm 118 (Gallican Chant)
Pro: 154 All Glory, Laud and Honor (VALET WILL ICH DER GEBEN)

Psalm: Psalm Ps 31 (Tone II.1)
Seq: 158, Ah holy Jesus, how has thou offended (HERZLIEBSTER JESU)
Off: 162, The royal banners forward go (VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT, plainsong Mode I)
Sanctus: S-124 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Lord's Prayer: chanted (S-119 in Hymnal 1982)
Agnus Dei: S-161 New Plainsong (D. Hurd)
Communion Anthem: Non nobis, Domine (Ps 115:1; attr. W. Byrd)
Communion Hymn: 458, My Song is Love Unknown (LOVE UNKNOWN, with alt. accompaniments and descant by Donald Busarow)
Re: 168, O Sacred Head, sore wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN)

Chapel of the Cross

My friend Mike drew the organist playing duties for the 5.15 pm service. Van asked him to draw out the introduction for All Glory, Laud and Honor, which he did a fine job of doing.

With that, the music, including Mike's voluntary piece.

Palm Sunday: Holy Eucharist Rite II
At the Blessing of the Psalms:
Anthem: Hosanna Filio David (Tomàs Luis de Victoria)
Pro: 154 All Glory, Laud and Honor (VALET WILL ICH DER GEBEN)

Seq: 158, Ah holy Jesus, how has thou offended (HERZLIEBSTER JESU)
Off: God so loved the world (J. Stainer)
Sanctus: S-125 Community Mass (R. Proulx)
Communion Voluntary: Chorale prelude O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (Pachelbel)
Communion Hymn: 313, Let thy Blood in mercy poured (JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHT)
Re: 168, O Sacred Head, sore wounded (HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN)
Postlude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen (J. Brahms, Op. 122, No. 9)

By the way, for both the service at St. Joseph's as well as that at Chapel of the Cross, the accompaniment for Herzliebster Jesu was taken from the Hymnal 1940. I'm not sure what the editors of the Hymnal 1982 did with the accompaniment, but I just found it easier to follow in the 1940 as opposed to the 1982. My choristers agreed with me and were happy to make the switch.

Compline at the Chapel of the Cross. We've been using the Order for Compline, as set by David Hurd.

Here are our little additions:

Christus Factus Est (Felice Anerio)
Psalms 31 and 134 (chanted to Tone 8)
Hymn: The royal banners forward go (VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT, plainsong Mode I)
In manus tuas (Sheppard; sung in addition to "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit ...)
Nunc Dimittis (fauxbourdon, H. Willan)
Ave Regina Cælorum (Marian antiphon right after the Dismissal)
Ave Maria (Tomas Luis de Victoria)
Organ Voluntary by the abfab David Arcus.

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